德丰杰 DFJ,Draper Fisher Jurvetson
德丰杰是唯一一家通过联合基金网络进行全球投资的风险投资公司,在全球30多个城市设有办事处,并拥有超过35亿美元的投资资金。德丰杰的宗旨是在全球范围内搜寻具有杰出才能并试图改变世界的企业家,并向其提供资金和服务。在过去的二十多年中,德丰杰已经成功地对众多领域近300 家公司进行了投资,包括Hotmail(后被微软公司收购)、Skype(后被EBAY收购)、United Online(UNTD)、Overture(后被雅虎公司收购)、Interwoven(IWOV)、411(后被雅虎公司收购)、arametric(PMTC)以及Digidesign(后被AVID收购)。近几年在中国则有百度,分众传媒,空中网,龙旗等知名的成功投资。在这些投资中,尤其是Skype以41亿美元的天价出售给eBay,百度纳斯达克上市,获得超过50倍的高额回报,而至今被奉为投资界的经典之作。
德丰杰龙脉中国基金由德丰杰和龙脉投资合资组建于2006年,规模一亿美元。该基金是全球著名风险投资公司德丰杰在中国境内的唯一姊妹基金。主要投资于早期的初创项目。龙脉投资在1999年成立于硅谷。龙脉的两位创办人赵光斗与陆景锴先生成功地在2000年成立了龙脉的第一基金,该基金旗下八家公司有两家已经高价被美国上市的公司收购(分别是OSA Tech被Avocent收购、Mobile365被Sybase收购),另外还有一家公司凌讯,不久前拿到中国国家数字电视的标准,并在最近的一轮融资中获得Intel Capital为首的四千万美元的注资。
DFJ backs extraordinary entrepreneurs who set out to change the world.
DFJ is a venture capital firm that was founded in 1985. DFJ has backed more than 400 companies in enterprise, software, mobile, cleantech, energy, health care, and other disruptive categories. DFJ's team operates across the globe and specializes in many industries and geographies. DFJ works with companies in seed, early, and growth stages.
Who we are
Our team is comprised of entrepreneurs, operators and investors who have helped build some of the world's most successful companies. We offer more than 250 years of combined operating and investing experience, and have worked with some of the most successful technology companies in the world. When it comes to finding a partner who supports your largest aspirations, we dream big with you. We work with companies in new and emerging industries before they become obvious.
What we look for
We support entrepreneurs who want to change the world. We work with teams who disrupt big, incumbent-driven industries. We focus on exceptional entrepreneurs with big ideas that disrupt existing categories at seed, early and growth stages. We're focused on companies specializing in consumer and enterprise IT, commerce, cloud, enterprise, big data, and bold new technologies.