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达科为 达科为

深圳市达科为生物技术有限公司(Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd.)创立于1999年,经过十余年的快速发展,现已形成以深圳为总部,在北京、上海、广州、成都、武汉、香港设有分支机构的集团性企业。员工超过100人,其中80%的人员拥有本科及以上的学历。

公司主要业务包括生命科学研究用仪器(Scientific Instruments)和试剂(Life Science Reagents)、医疗设备(Medical Equipments)和诊断试剂(Diagnostic Reagents)等产品的研发、生产及营销推广。现与国内主要科研院所及国外几十家生物科技公司保持着业务合作关系,产品已外销至香港、台湾、东南亚和北美。



Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd. was established in 1999. Headquarter in Shenzhen, and with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Hongkong, Guangzhou, Wuhan, and Chengdu, Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd. is now becoming the leading company in biomedical products distribution and R&D in China. Till 2011, there are over 120 employees working in Dakewe, more than 90% of them has a bachelor’s degree, and more than 40% has a master’s degree.

Main business units include distribution of life science reagents, scientific instruments, and medical equipments in China, and R&D in research and diagnostic reagents. The company has developed close relationship with most of the universities, institutions, hospitals, and pharma companies in China. It also developed close business cooperation with dozens of foreign companies worldwide, and hundreds of sub-dealers nationwide. Its R&D products are now sold in China and also in Hongkong, Taiwan, South East Asia, and North America through local distributors.

Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd. was awarded “High-Tech Enterprise” “Key Incubation Enterprise In Shenzhen” by the government. Its R&D projects gained funding from Ministry of Technology China and Shenzhen Bureau of Technology.

