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东南科仪 东南科仪

东南科仪 Sinoinstruments 
东南科仪专业提供从基础型到专业化的原装进口实验室和工业检测仪器。十多年来坚持服务于国内分析领域,为各级实验室提供世界一流品质的检测仪器,并以专业、全面的技术支持和售后服务赢得了良好声誉,是国内极具实力的实验室基础仪器集成供应商,拥有广泛而稳固的客户群体和分销网络。目前, 东南科仪总部设在广州,并在北京、上海、成都、西安和杭州设有子公司和办事处,业务覆盖全国。
东南科仪创建于1992年。自创建伊始,即致力于向中国引进世界最先进的检测仪器。目前拥有十多个欧、美、日顶级品牌的总代理及一级代理权,产品资源丰富,种类齐全。品牌包括有ATAGO, ALP, Lovibond, Binder, Brookfield, Thermconcept ,NICHIRYO, YSI, Sartorius, X-rite, IKA, Millipore, coleparmer等,产品涵盖计量仪器、实验室通用仪器、化学分析、物性测试、生化测试等,如折光仪、旋光仪、电子天平、熔点仪、水分仪、粘度计、高压灭菌器、移液系统、试验箱、高温炉、酸度计、色差计、纯水系统、酶标仪、 洗板机及接触角测定、张力仪等,涉及从化工、制药、日化、食品、涂料、建材、电子、汽车到农业、商检、质检、卫生防疫以及高校、研究单位等各行各业的各级实验室。 东南科仪,十多年来稳步发展,成长为一个充满了活力和创新精神同时又团结稳固的团队,形成了库存丰富、供货快捷、价格合理、服务优异的东南特色。我们拥有充满活力的高质素的销售团队、具有丰富仪器技术和应用知识的技术支持团队和技术全面、经验丰富的售后服务团队。结合西方先进的产品和技术及东方人的勤勉和热忱,营造富于特色的东南文化,这是东南科仪成功创业和持续发展的基础,我们的信心之所在,也是赢得业内人士和广大客户广泛认可之所在。在此,谨对多年以来给予东南科仪充分支持和信赖的各位客户表示衷心的感谢! 东南科仪贯彻始终的服务宗旨:把世界最先进的仪器介绍到中国,将中国最专业化的服务提供给用户。基于创立品牌和可持续发展的战略,东南科仪愿与业内同行和广大用户一起成长,依托我们在产品资源和技术服务方面的突出优势,也使众多的客户在新技术、新方法、新仪器的应用中受益

Established on November 1992, Sinoinstruments Co. Ltd (the Southeast China Scientific Equipment & Service Corporation) is a distributor of scientific instruments and laboratory facilities. With our highly experienced engineers and sales teams in the area of instrument delivery and service, Sinoinstruments has an international reputation of service and excellence to our customers. We are one of the most well-known companies in the Chinese scientific hardware Markey and beyond. Our company headquarters are centered in Guangzhou, a Branch Corporation in Beijing, and there offices in Shanghai, Chengdu,hangzhou and Xian.
Sinoinstruments plays an important role as a bridge between the manufacturers and end-users by introducing top-ranged laboratory equipment to the high growth China market. With our strength in technology and expertise in laboratory equipment, we continually strive to supply superior hardware and software to the user. We provide our customers with a wide range of services including: project consultation, research advising, installation and after-sales service. Sinoinstruments has partnered with other well-known brands of laboratory equipment and manufacturers based in the United States, Europe, and Japan. Brands under current distribution include: ATAGO, ALP, Lovibond, Binder, Brookfield, Thermconcept ,NICHIRYO, YSI, Sartorius, X-rite, IKA, Millipore, coleparmer etc. Sinoinstruments is looking forward to expanding its sales network in China by developing professional business partnerships with clients.
As a well-known and specialized scientific equipment distributor, our sales team and distribution network are spread all over China. We have established strong relationships with our customers, and continuously seeking new and potential customers.
