斯曼,简称DSM (全称为Koninklijke DSM N.V.或Royal DSM N.V.)是一家专注于生命科学和性能材料的跨国公司。帝斯曼总部位于荷兰希伦。帝斯曼最早是一家国有煤矿开采公司(荷兰国有煤矿公司,Dutch State Mines/De StaatsMijnen),目前帝斯曼的业务主要分五个部分:营养、制药、性能材料、聚合物中间体、基础化学及材料。
帝斯曼的名称来自其原名英文翻译的首字母缩写。帝斯曼的荷兰名称为“De Nederlandse Staatmijnen”,翻译成英文就是“Dutch State Mines (DSM)”,意思是荷兰国有煤矿公司。20世纪60年代末,荷兰政府决定关闭所有(国有)矿厂。1973年最后一个煤矿关闭后,帝斯曼决定保留缩写“DSM”作为自己的名称。
帝斯曼致力于通过其创新产品与服务帮助人们改善生活质量,为营造更加健康愉悦、具有可持续性的生活和工作方式做出积极贡献。 永无止境.帝斯曼反应了我们将持续改进的动力。“ 永无止境 .帝斯曼”充分反映了我们是谁、我们的理念是什么以及作为一家公司我们将如何表现。这是我们的品牌——是我们向客户、向业务合作伙伴和我们自己所承诺的。 永无止境.帝斯曼的品牌由以下四个基本特质:
我们创造 新的产品、应用、工艺和服务 ,以期为我们的利益相关方和我们的公司创造可持续的价值。
我们不断地 发展和提高,以期满足来自于客户和周围世界的、不断变化的需求。
对于我们的客户、利益相关方、业务合作伙伴、员工和当地社区,以及我们周围的世界,我们都负有着以诚信、负责任及可持续性的方式经营我们的业务的责任。这一切的基础,是我们 尊重人 、 做有价值的合作伙伴和 良好企业公民的 核心价值观。
战略:愿景 2010
帝斯曼的愿景 2010战略是在成功实施的愿景2005战略的基础之上制定的。愿景2005战略成功实现了帝斯曼向一家专业生命科学产品和性能材料产品的公司的加速转型,并实现了更高更稳定的收益。新的战略项目命名为“ 愿景 2010—扬长出击 ”,旨在加速帝斯曼专业产品群的利润和创新增长。
帝斯曼公司根据其于2007年9月进行的“ 愿景2010—扬长出击 ”公司战略中期评估的结论,对外宣布了一系列关于公司发展战略的重要决定,决定加速向生命科学及材料科学公司的转型,从而实现更快的增长、更高的利润率以及更佳的收益质量。
DSM – the Life Sciences and Materials Sciences Company
Royal DSM N.V. creates innovative products and services in Life Sciences and Materials Sciences that contribute to the quality of life. DSM’s products and services are used globally in a wide range of markets and applications, supporting a healthier, more sustainable and more enjoyable way of life. End markets include human and animal nutrition and health, personal care, pharmaceuticals, automotive, coatings and paint, electrical and electronics, life protection and housing. DSM has annual net sales of EUR 9.3 billion and employs some 23,500 people worldwide. The company is headquartered in the Netherlands, with locations on five continents. DSM is listed on Euronext Amsterdam.
DSM - Over a century of evolution
From state mines to specialty company
There are few companies, and even fewer successful chemical companies with a history to match that of DSM. Companies that have changed so much over time, reinvented themselves, repeatedly adjusted to changing circumstances and that, like us, are still fulfilling the promise of those modest beginnings in 1902.
This was when the Dutch government formed the nationalized coal company 'De Nederlandse Staatsmijnen' (Dutch State Mines), later becoming DSM.
As the mining operation grew so did the company's coal-processing operation. This gave rise to a growing by-product, coke oven gas. This was converted into a profitable commodity, ammonia, an ingredient in nitrogenous fertilizers. By diversifying in this way, DSM avoided the fate that would ultimately close down so many coalmining operations.
New opportunity
In the post-war era, chemical products became more prominent. Once again, DSM saw an opportunity and seized it, providing industrial chemicals and raw materials for synthetic fibers and yarns. It was not long after this that worldwide use of coal began to decline; oil and natural gas were much more profitable and coal was more polluting. By the 1960s, coal production was waning sharply and in 1975, the Dutch Prime Minister officially closed the country's last mine. Fortunately, DSM had anticipated this and quickly started changing its focus.
By 1970 chemicals and fertilizers comprised the company's chief activity, accounting for two-thirds of its turnover. Petrochemicals then took center stage. In just twelve years profits from raw materials for plastics grew by a factor of fourteen. No mean feat in view of the fact that DSM had to fight its way into a market dominated by major companies with long-established names.
In the 1970s and '80s DSM underwent major reorganizations to ensure itself of sufficient scale, greater guarantees for market consumption, and diversification into high-quality plastics and fine chemicals. After 1985, DSM developed a series of ambitious innovation projects resulting in specialties such as the polyethylene fiber Dyneema, the strongest fiber on earth.
In 1989 DSM was privatized and listed publicly. During the 1990s, the company paid greater attention to creating a balance between commerce and research and developing value-adding processes and products, particularly products for the pharmaceutical and the food industries and performance materials for the automotive and transport industry and the electrics and electronics sector.
Stay out in front
In 2002 DSM completed the sale of its petrochemicals operation in anticipation of future market movements.
This was followed by the acquisition of Roche's Vitamins & Fine Chemicals Division in October 2003, which was subsequently renamed DSM Nutritional Products.
In February 2005 NeoResins, the coating resins business of Avecia was purchased. Now known as DSM NeoResins+, this acquisition forms part of DSM Resins, a business group in the performance materials cluster.
In July 2005 this acquisition was followed by the sale of DSM Bakery Ingredients to the Dutch investment company Gilde Investment Management.
In October 2005 DSM acquired the Chinese resins company Syntech.
In July 2007 DSM acquired Pentapharm Holding Ltd., which manufactures active ingredients and system solutions for the cosmetics industry and is also present in niche pharmaceutical and diagnostics markets.