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Dualsystems Dualsystems

瑞士DUALsystems BioTech
DUALsystems BioTech公司成立于2000年,是从瑞士苏黎世大学独立出来具有自主产权的生物公司。DUALsystems公司一心致力于蛋白组学领域产品的研发,包括通过酵母系统进行蛋白质间相互作用研究的产品和服务,cDNA文库构建试剂和服务,在酵母中或E. Coli中进行重组蛋白的制备和纯化,以及一系列相关的试剂和抗体。
♦ 蛋白质间相互作用筛选系统
- DUALhybrid系统——核蛋白的酵母双杂交系统
- DUALmembrane系统——膜蛋白的酵母双杂交系统
- DUALhunter系统 (new)——膜相关蛋白、核蛋白和自我激活蛋白的酵母双杂交系统
♦ 蛋白表达与纯化系统
- DUALXPress 蛋白表达系统 (new) ——E Coli.系统
- KickStart蛋白表达系统——酵母系统
♦ cDNA library构建系统
♦ 酵母工具
♦ 其他:抗体和试剂
Dualsystems Biotech was founded in 2000 as a spin-off company from the Institute of Veterinary Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University of Zurich.

Dualsystems is a leading provider of custom services and products in the emerging field of proteomics:


Solutions for protein interaction discovery
Custom screening services for protein interactions discovery
Solutions for protein expression and purification
Solutions for cDNA library construction
Our experience in functional proteomics enables us to provide you with services of unsurpassed quality and consistency.

Dualsystems Biotech AG is a biotech spin-off company founded in 2000. Our major focus is the development of products and services in the emerging area of proteomics. Our areas of expertise include screening for protein-protein interactions using yeast based systems, expression and purification of recombinant proteins in yeast and E. coli, solutions for cDNA library construction and a range of specialized reagents and antibodies.

The DUALhybrid screening technology is based on the original yeast two-hybrid system and offers several advantages when searching for novel protein-protein interactions, such as speed, specificity and low cost.

The DUALmembrane system is an extremely powerful screening technology aimed at identifying protein-protein interactions between integral membrane proteins. By circumventing problems associated with traditional screening systems, the DUALmembrane system is used to directly identify interactions between membrane proteins in their natural setting.

The DUALXPress technology is a novel, innovative system to express recombinant proteins in E. coli at very high levels and with a high degree of solubility. The dualTRAP resin is an excellent choice for single-step protein purification because it has a very low non-specific binding capacity.

The EasyClone cDNA library construction kits are suited for quick and easy construction of highly complex cDNA libraries with a high representation of 5' ends.
