Carver 美国卡弗(Carver)公司是世界最早的压片机生产厂商,至今已有近90年的历史。其产品遍布全世界,被推崇为该行业的世界标准。产品门类齐全,从小型的台式到大吨位的落地式,从手动到自动,从液压驱动到电动,可满足所有用户的需求。
Carver压片机对压片模具具有独特的可调性,虽然又高又重的柱塞变短了,但仍然有足够的行程来适应最大的模具,最重要的是一个软钢的缓冲盘被栓住对着上面压盘。同心的压制循环这个盘确保操作者对准中心,模具迅速的、一步精确地、正确地实施压制压程,同时这个软钢盘也被保护 ,所有的Carver压片机都有遮板保护操作者。
Carver, Inc. Company Profile: Laboratory Press Equipment, Manual and Automatic Presses and Accessories
The International Standard in Laboratory Presses
For more than 85 years Carver hydraulic presses have been the standard for laboratories around the world. Carver Model C presses alone are in use in more laboratories than any other press. The current Carver line has been expanded and improved with more sizes, options, features, and quality performance than any other line presses.
The Widest Choices in Lab Press Equipment
Standard choices now include two-column and four-column, bench top and floor standing, and manual and automatic presses with clamping capacities from 12 to 100 tons. Automatic "Auto Series" presses include user-friendly microprocessor based controls and integral safety enclosures. Accessories include new self-contained, electrically operated AutoPak hydraulic power unit for retrofit to existing manual Carver presses.
Materials research: ceramics, composites, construction materials, cosmetics, drugs, pharmaceuticals, powder metals, printed circuit boards, rubber, silicone and other elastomers, soil, thermoplastic resins and thermosets.
Quality and performance testing of physical properties: compression strength, flexural strength, shear strength, flow and color dispersion.
Lab testing: ASTM test plaque or bar molds for polyethylene and polypropylene.
Laminating: credit cards, ID cards, plaques and printed circuit boards
Other applications: composite molding, compression molding, crushing, encapsulation, extrusion, forming, insert pressing, producing KBr pellets for infrared spectroscopy, metal forming (dimpling), insert molding, oil extraction, pelletizing, specimen preparation, splice molding, splitting chilled oils, transfer molding, and vulcanizing rubber stamps.
Specialized Applications
Special presses dedicated to specific applications include ASTM test plaque or bar molding, pellet making (KBr specimens for infrared an x-ray spectroscopy), laminating and rubber stamp molding.