美国凯威实验室公司Cadwell Laboratories, Inc.
1979年,美国凯威实验室公司研制了世界上第一台基于微处理器运行的肌电图/诱发电位仪Model 7000。经过20多年来对神经电生理设备的不懈追求与钻研,所设计生产的产品以功能完备、便携、操作简易及实用、分析精确为本,现已广泛应用于EMG/NCV/EP、EEG/PSG、IOM以及经颅磁刺激等领域,有八项专利技术,被众多权威医学专家评为全球最具创新和研发能力的高科技专业神经电生理产品的制造商。
如今,美国凯威实验室公司新一代 Sierra™ 系列肌电图/神经传导速度/诱发电位产品已经有Console™、Wedge™、Wave™三种型号,有二或四通道的放大器可供选择,用户可以根据自己的需求从中选择最适当的配置。
● Sierra II Wedge™,世界上最小的,重量仅6磅的EMG/NCV/EP测试系统,即可作为门诊,也可用于会诊,在美国销售量很大。
● Sierra II Wave™,小巧而且功能强大,不仅适合医院,同时适合公安刑侦等部门使用。
● Sierra II Console™,台式系统。
Experience The Cadwell Difference – Since 1979
The benefits of owning a Cadwell system are numerous. Our development team understands and delivers what you need. Everyone at Cadwell stands behind our products and we all have the same goal - to keep you as a loyal, devoted customer long into the future.
Innovative Instruments for Neurophysiology
John Cadwell, BSEE, MD designed the first microprocessor controlled EMG instrument. In 1979 he and his brother Carl, DDS, formed Cadwell Laboratories, Inc. and began selling their device. Since then, Cadwell has been a leader in the development and manufacture of innovative and reliable instruments for neurophysiology. Many instruments have been providing decades of service to their owners.
Numerous patents are held by Cadwell, including those for magnetic stimulators, cable shielding designs, neural network analysis of EEG and database designs. Today, still located in Kennewick, Washington, John and Carl continue ownership of the company and come to work everyday to develop and market products ranging from EMG to EEG to PSG to IONM instrumentation and more. Cadwell has a firm hold of its identity and a dedicated focus on neurophysiology.
Advancing medical technology to help you, help others.
Cadwell is a leading manufacturer and marketer of diagnostic and monitoring products for the world of neurophysiology. We have been proudly serving you
since 1979.