美国Active Motif
美国Active Motif公司是一家致力于细胞生物学和分子生物学研究用试剂的开发和生产的专业公司,是世界上著名的转录因子试剂生产商。其细胞生物学产品涉及:蛋白质转染试剂、一氧化氮定量试剂盒、转录因子ELISA试剂盒、细胞核提取试剂盒、染色试剂、细胞提取物、抗体等;分子生物学产品涉及:mRNA和总RNA的提取、E.coli表达系统、蛋白纯化系统、基因快速富集系统、DNA分离纯化系统、cDNA合成、RT-PCR试剂盒以及其他辅助试剂。
Active Motif is dedicated to developing and delivering innovative cell & molecular biology-based research tools and biocomputing resources that help researchers worldwide in their quest to elucidate the function, regulation and interactions of the genes and their encoded proteins. It strives at all times to provide high-quality products and superior service & support to its customers while providing its employees with a stimulating and rewarding work environment.