今天宣布他们在1月10日的一期Nature上发表了一篇关于蛋白质组学领域的开创性研究,这篇文章第一次描述了酵母蛋白质组的功能图谱。这幅图谱绘制了酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisae)中的蛋白质的完整网络及其相互作用,这个蛋白质的相互作用网络是影响细胞在不同环境下的活性的基础。这是第一幅描述这种关系的图谱。
这篇文章的题目为“通过系统的分析蛋白质复合物了解酵母蛋白质组的功能组织()”,是该期Nature的封面文章(415卷,141-147页)。这篇文章描绘了酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)的功能蛋白质组图谱,酿酒酵母是药物开发中常用的一种真核生物模型。这幅图谱描绘了1.440种酵母蛋白质的功能和相互作用,这些蛋白质形成个直接影响生物学活性的多元复合物。Cellzome的一个交叉学科小组利用独有的一种蛋白质复合物装配和回收技术在接近生理环境的条件下直接从细胞中分离出这些蛋白质的多元复合物,这种方法最早是由欧洲分子生物学实验室(EMBL)开发出来的。
的首席执行官Charles Cohen说。“我们正利用这个方法研究人体的细胞,以建立与各种慢性或变性疾病的发生和发展有关的分子环境。我们最近从在英国所收购的研究机构中获得的药物开发经验,将可以让我们将这幅功能图谱迅速的转变成药物开发项目。”
的灵活的技术平台可以系统的应用于人体的样本。酵母和人的直向同源物的复合物(orthologous complexes)之间的高度相似性暗示可能是一些基础的机制控制细胞的功能。通过了解控制细胞的基础机制,发现具有重要作用的蛋白质复合物并了解其性质,的技术可以将精力集中在真正重要的一些分子靶位点上,从而有效的促进并加速药物的开发过程。
Cellzome is a privately-owned drug discovery and development company identifying a new generation of kinase-targeted drugs to treat inflammatory diseases. Its pipeline of small-molecule therapeutics is driven by Kinobeads™, a proprietary technology for the screening and profiling of kinase inhibitors in physiologically-relevant cells and tissues. The most advanced program, targeting PI3Kγ, is anticipated to enter the clinic in 2010, and several other programs are in early preclinical testing.
Cellzome is expanding its distinctive technology, in a novel form called Episphere™, to the discovery and development of novel drug candidates for epigenetic targets in their protein complexes.
The management team has strong scientific and commercial credentials, and is backed by some of the biotech industry's most experienced investors. Cellzome is intent on developing both organically and through merger or acquisition, whilst maintaining its values of transparency, commitment and mutual respect.
Cellzome has significant collaborations with GSK and Johnson & Johnson. Its holding company is domiciled in the US and it employs about 90 people at its two laboratories in Cambridge, UK and Heidelberg, Germany.
2000 The European Molecular Biology Laboratory [EMBL] in Heidelberg, Germany spins out Cellzome. Initial focus is the detailed analysis of the organization of the proteome of both yeast and mammalian cells.
2001 Completion Series B financing of € 34 million. Acquisition of GSK's CellMap Unit and foundation of Cellzome UK.
2002 Publication of the "Functional Organization of the Yeast Proteome by Systematic Analysis of Protein Complexes" in Nature - the first scientific validation of Cellzome's technology and the "Faculty of 1000" all time #1 paper in genetics and genomics (Jan 2004).
2003 Completion of Series C funding of € 30 million. Latter half of the year, entered two partnerships with pharmaceutical companies, Johnson & Johnson PRD and Bayer HealthCare.
2004 Cellzome published "A physical and functional map of the human TNF-α/NF-κB signal transduction pathway" in Nature Cell Biology.
Tim Edwards appointed CEO and President. A significant research collaboration signed with Novartis to identify new drug targets and leads in a variety of disease areas.
2005 Drug discovery partnership agreed with Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical / Johnson & Johnson PRD for the identification of new medicines for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.
Novartis collaboration expanded to provide further analyses of both target candidates and signalling aspects of certain disease pathways.
Cellzome and Graffinity Pharmaceuticals awarded a € 2.2m grant from the German Ministry of Research and Education for the discovery of novel treatments for disorders of the immune system.
2006 Cellzome and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) published the first genome-wide screen for protein complexes in Nature.
Extension of collaboration with Novartis for further 2 years.
Extension of collaboration with Johnson & Johnson in Alzheimer's Disease to March 2008.
2007 First milestone payment received from Johnson & Johnson for selection of lead molecule.
Publication of Kinobeads™ Technology: new targets for Glivec identified.
Cellzome's CEO Tim Edwards appointed to the Board of the UK's BioIndustry Association.
Cellzome Establishes Scientific Advisory Board.
2008 Cellzome appoints Dr. Jane Dancer as VP Business Development.
Extension of collaboration with Johnson & Johnson in