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Complete Genomics
Complete Genomics Complete Genomics

美国完整基因公司(Complete Genomics)
 获得完整的个人基因密码序列,需要花费多少钱?35万美元?这是去年冬季的价格。瑞士百万富翁丹·斯多埃塞斯库(Dan Stoicescu)选择了以购买一辆宾利汽车的价格,得到了自己的基因图谱。当时,丹·斯多埃塞斯库很清楚,再过几个月,这个价格就会像股票一样大幅下跌。果不其然,据美国应用生物系统公司上个月公布的报告,在未来的六个星期中,购买个人完整基因组图谱只需要6万美元。有科学家估计,在未来的三年中,这个价格甚至会降至1000美元。不过,科学家似乎对这个结果仍然不甘心,他们的目标是——100美元,相当于一条牛仔裤的价格。


  “在十年前,人们可能还会觉得我们的这个项目只是科幻电影。”瑞多基·德芒纳克(Radoje Drmanac)是美国完整染基因公司(Complete Genomics)的首席科学家,该公司位于加利福尼亚山景城(Mountain View, CA)。他所说的项目,正是这个让人花100美元就能了解自己遗传密码的工程。在整个项目的研究中,完整染色体组公司得到了生物纳米矩阵公司(BioNanomatrix)的纳米技术支持。他们正在全力开发的快速基因测序方法,能在24小时内完整读取个人基因图谱。尽管这个让基因测序变得平民化的梦想,至少还需要五年的时间去实现,但瑞多基·德芒纳克他们仍然对此充满了信心。

  说到技术层面,瑞多基·德芒纳克所采用的技术,与要在三年内实现1000美元完整基因组测序的美国基因公司(US Genomics)基本上属于同一种思路。其核心在于一种名为“纳米流体”(Nanofluidic)的芯片。在这种比一片手指甲还小的芯片里,纳米级的流体拖曳出DNA分子长链,让其中的分子徐徐展开,通过像保龄球瓶一样排列的管道中。这时芯片会取一个基因组作为参考,用荧光标记被测DNA链中与参考基因组不同的碱基对。DNA链通过管道时,探测器就顺势读取这些用荧光做过标记碱基对的顺序。然后,添上与参考基因组相同的碱基对,就完成了成为整个基因的序列。这种快速方法每分钟可以测序大约200000个碱基对。


Complete Genomics' high quality, affordable DNA sequencing enables commercial-scale research of the genetic mechanisms underlying drug responses and complex diseases.

Complete Genomics combines innovative technology with a disruptive market approach that will revolutionize DNA sequencing.
Corporate Vision

Many chronic and life-threatening diseases have a genetic basis, but current technology cannot analyze the human genome in a sufficiently complete or cost-effective manner to enable researchers to understand the entire disease pathway. This incomplete understanding of the genetic interactions involved in disease limits healthcare outcomes by hindering the development of tailored drugs, diagnostics, and advanced disease prevention techniques.

Origin of an Idea

Complete Genomics was established in March 2006 by Dr. Clifford Reid, Dr. Radoje Drmanac, and Mr. John Curson, who shared a vision to provide high-throughput, affordable, and complete genome sequencing of human populations. Their goal was to enable commercial-scale research of the genetic mechanisms underlying drug responses and complex diseases, ensuring important advances in the diagnostic and therapeutic markets.

Flourishing Company

Just over two years later, Complete Genomics has already sequenced its first genome and has made plans to sequence 1,000 genomes in 2009. In 2010, the company intends to sequence 20,000 genomes. Complete Genomics’ mission is to become the global leader in human genome sequencing. It is currently building the world’s largest human genome sequencing center in California. By 2010, Complete Genomics intends to have more than 50% of the worldwide human DNA sequencing capacity. Further expansion is planned by opening sequencing centers worldwide.

Winning Strategy

By offering low-cost, high-quality, complete DNA sequencing, Complete Genomics will power large-scale human genome studies. Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies that had been previously priced out of the market will finally be able to access population-wide human genomic data for a wide variety of diagnostic and discovery applications. This exploration will provide new avenues for therapeutic and diagnostic discovery by furthering researchers’ understanding of the complex genetic interplay involved in some of the most devastating human diseases.

