美国Clontech 2005年7月1日,日本最大的生物工程公司TaKaRa公司宣布花费6千万美元成功从BD Biosciences收购Clontech单元。此收购计划已经于2005年8月底完成,Clontech已成为TaKaRa全资子公司。
美国Clontech是1984年由华人方瑞贤创办的,一度曾经是众多海外华人的骄傲。因为方瑞贤创办的是全美第一家,也是亚裔创办的最大的分子生物公司,更重要的是Clontech 建立了生物技术中建立基因文库的模式。在Clontech 被BD收购时已有四百名员工,包括六十五位博士,拥有五十多项专利,产品已达两千多种,堪称全球数一、数二的基因库,提供全球三十多个国家基因实验室或是学术界做研究之用。该公司有曾于一九九四、一九九五、一九九八及一九九九年被圣荷西及旧金山商业报纸选为一百个成长最快的私人公司。Clontech公司一直锐意进取,其开发的产品多次获得全美R&D100金奖。产品范围包括基因识别、基因表达、基因功能研究,大家熟悉的Smart Race,Altas DNA矩阵,SSH消减杂交、MTN膜、多色荧光蛋白载体、MatchMaker酵母双杂交系列也在其中。
此次收购会给Takara带来以下收益:极大地丰富Takara原来的产品线;迅速扩增TaKaRa在欧美市场的份额,因为Clontech 70%以上的销售是来自于欧美,而Takara 85%的收益来自于日本本土市场。本次收购将全面扩展日本产品在欧美的销售。另外Takara将整合并加强日本本土和位于美国的Clontech研发部,加快产品的开发,提高Takara在全球生命科学研究市场的份额。
Clontech Laboratories, Inc.
Clontech Laboratories provides kits, reagents, and services that help researchers explore questions about gene discovery, regulation, and function. As the newest member of the Takara Bio Group, Clontech joins a company that holds a leadership position in the global market and is committed to improving the human condition through biotechnology. Clontech’s mission is to develop high-quality innovative tools and services to accelerate discovery.
In order to maintain our position as an industry leader, we foster an environment of collaboration and discovery for our research scientists and with the research community at large. Our scientists are leaders in their fields and publish regularly in leading peer-reviewed journals such as Biotechniques, Science, and PNAS. Clontech holds over 30 patents and offers novel tools for studying gene expression analysis, subcellular localization, apoptosis, and signal transduction. In addition, our scientists have authored guides and publications that are industry standards in technologies ranging from PCR to gene expression profiling to yeast two-hybrid systems.
We actively seek research and business partnerships with industry innovators and leaders. Our research and development efforts have resulted in award winning technologies and the introduction of novel tools to the market. Clontech introduced the first commercially available antibody microarray, a unique tool that allows users to study hundreds of cellular proteins in one experiment. We have also received R&D 100 awards for our fluorescent proteins, apoptosis detection systems, cDNA arrays, tet-regulated gene expression systems, and retroviral expression systems.
Clontech is committed to understanding and meeting the quality needs and expectations of all of our customers. To guarantee continuous process improvement, we have established a comprehensive quality assurance program to meet our commitment to total customer satisfaction as well as the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Continuous quality improvement is the responsibility of every employee and we build quality into each and everything we do. To view our ISO 9001:2000 certificate, click here.
Our commitment to service is our commitment to our customers. Our customer service groups interact with all levels of the company to ensure that every process is focused on delivering the highest level of service and satisfaction. Our technical support team is comprised mainly of Ph.D. scientists, including many with years of post-doctoral experience. From order placement to technical support, we meet and exceed industry standards for timely and helpful responses to customer inquiries. We provide custom products, services, and packaging to better suit our customers’ needs. In short, we view every contact point as an opportunity to provide excellent service to our customers.