法国Cedip Infrared Systems
Cedip 红外系统公司是一家法国红外相机及固定万向节系统(stabilized gimbaled systems)供应商。Cedip公司成立于1989年,专为科研及安防市场提供冷中长波红外相机,同时还为各种商业和政府应用飞机提供高性能固定万向节系统。截止到2006年12月31日的财政年度,该公司营业收入近1820万欧元,营业利润近310万欧元。
2007年9月14日,美国FLIR Systems公司宣布对Cedip红外系统公司的控股协议。根据协议,Cedip公司控股人同意出售其股份给FLIR公司。由此,FLIR将掌握有该公司67.8%的股份,全部分摊后,每股为19欧元,整体资金为4140万欧元。
交接一旦完成,Cedip公司的红外相机部门工作将并入FLIR的Thermography部门。而Polytech分公司将并入FLIR的政府系统(Government system)部门。
FLIR公司主席、总裁兼董事长Earl Lewis评价说,“我们非常高兴宣布这次移交。Cedip的公司团队因在高性能相机上良好的设计及制造能力而声名显著。他们的相机对FLIR的产品做出了有益的补充,也促进了公司在世界关键市场的增长。我们欢迎Cedip公司勤奋的员工们加入FLIR公司。FLIR公司人员预计此次收购不会对公司2008年收入产生什么影响,但将惠顾于接下来的几年。
Since 1989, Cedip Infrared Systems has provided world class infrared imaging cameras and systems to industrial, research and surveillance organisations around the globe.
As you may already know, FLIR Systems has become the majority shareholder of Cedip Infrared Systems. The two specialists have joined forces in the manufacturing and marketing of cooled mid- and long-wave infrared cameras for the science, R&D and security markets.
Cedip is today a full part of FLIR Systems AB and trades under the same name. Read more...
Since 1989, Cedip Infrared Systems has provided world class infrared imaging cameras and systems to industrial, research and surveillance organisations around the globe. Our technology is actively assisting customers in a wide variety of thermal imaging and thermographic applications including : - Measuring, imaging and controlling temperature in industrial processes, non-destructive testing, stress analysis and mechanical testing. - Infrared signature analysis and day / night surveillance and observation of sensitive sites such as is required by leading defence, security and law enforcement agencies. Across its complete product range Cedip Infrared Systems delivers a high level of informed service and support you can trust. Through constant investment in technological innovation, quality people and infrastructure to support customers it is our goal to become the world's favourite Infrared Imaging Company.