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北美华人生物医药协会 北美华人生物医药协会

北美华人生物医药协会 CABS Chinese-American Bio/Pharmaceutical Society 
北美华人生物医药协会是一个非盈利性的生物医药专业协会。 该协会总部位于旧金山湾区,这里不仅是硅谷所在地, 也是生物科技的起源地及全球最大的生物科技重镇, 有逾千家大小的生物医药公司。全美最大三家生物科技公司中,就有两家在旧金山湾区 (Genentech公司 和 Gilead公司; 另一前三大公司AMGEN在该区也设有研究中心)。我们协会是一个有两千多名成员组成的有重大影响力的生物医药专业协会。成员中70% 拥有生物医药及相关领域的博士学位,有相当比例的成员担任美国生物医药公司高级研究及管理职位,不少是生物医药科技各领域的专家及学术带头人,也有勇于创业创新的企业家。作为北美最大最为活跃的华人生物医药协会,及置身于生物医药第一重镇的独特条件,美华药协广泛开展促进中美生物医药交流,为中国的科技园区及生物医药行业提供一个理想的推介与吸引科技项目与人才的平台。 除我们经常举办的科技与商业研讨会之外,我们每年举办的  已被 视为生物医药界一个促进中美交流的主要活动之一,吸引来自美国和中国的五六百名从事生物制药业的专业人士和企业领袖参加。我们创办的专业杂志“”也是我们的促进中美交流的重要渠道。



  1. 共同举办药物研发会议/大会;

  2. 派生物医药考察团携带创业项目考察各地科技园区寻求合作;

  3. 作为联结中国生物医药业与旧金山湾区生物科技业的主要桥梁,为来自中国的政府、科技园区及企业的代表团组织推介活动及商务洽谈;

  4. 邀请中国生物医药业的领军人士来美做报告, 特别是美华药协举办的 ;

  5. 合作与赞助详情:

The Chinese American Biopharmaceutical Society (CABS) is a non-profit organization for professionals in the biopharmaceutical industry, headquartered in San Francisco, California. We have over 2,000 members and participants. While many of our members are located in the San Francisco Bay Area, the largest biotechnology hub of the world and the birthplace of biotechnology, we also have members in other parts of the U.S. and in the Pacific Rim countries including China. The majority of our members are scientists in biopharmaceutical companies, universities and research institutions, but we also have a strong presence of professionals from legal, finance and venture capital fields that are focused on life sciences. Three quarters of our members have a doctorate degree and approximately half of our members hold leadership and management positions in the biopharmaceutical industry.

To serve biopharmaceutical professionals of Chinese heritage or with professional interests in China, and promote professional interactions
To foster business opportunities and exchanges in the life science industry between the U.S. and China
To promote public awareness of progress and development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry
To collaborate with other organizations in areas of mutual interest
