加拿大Bloom Burton & Co. Inc.
Brian Bloom是加拿大最大的以生物技术为主的投资研究和银行公司Bloom Burton & Co.的联合创始人,並担任该公司总裁兼机构销售部主管。在创建Bloom Burton之前,Bloom先生在Dundee Securities医疗与生物技术机构销售和股权研究部门工作了六年时间。他与以医疗行业为主的国际性私人和公共基金经理建立了独有的关係,並且为Bloom Burton的每个发行商客户吸引了资本。在加盟Dundee之前,Bloom先生在总部位於纽约的以生物技术为主的商人银行公司SCO Group的股权研究部门工作了两年时间。他之前在一家生物技术倂购咨询公司Molecular Securities担任投资银行分析师。Bloom先生获得麦克马斯特大学生物化学专业荣誉学士学位,后来就读於纽约大学Mount Sinai生物科学研究生院,方向为分子內分泌学和基於DNA的计算。Bloom先生是BIOTECanada新兴企业顾问委员会的一名委员。
Bloom Burton & Co. is Canada's largest and most active healthcare-specialized investment banking group. We are a team of healthcare specialists who merge our scientific, medical, clinical, intellectual property and commercial expertise with our understanding of the capital markets, to advise and raise capital for private and public companies.
We partner with a variety of companies; from start-up through commercialization, and with those engaged in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, diagnostics, healthcare services, life science tools, animal health, nutrition and wellness, and agricultural/industrial biotechnology.
Our team is innovative, creative and driven to provide the best solutions to meet the demands of our clients.