BioWin 位于布鲁塞尔南部,是比利时瓦隆州的优势健康产业园区。作为欧洲最具创新能力的生物技术中心之一,瓦隆州在比利时享有独特地位。120 余家健康产业公司落户于
涵盖领域包括生物医药、细胞治疗、放射性药物、诊断、生物技术产品、医疗仪器和设备 等 ,并提供委外研发( CRO )、 委外制造(CMO)和生物信息学服务。
我们在健康相关的生物技术领域拥有诸多优势: 优秀的学术和产业研究能力;独特的学术及产业合作网络; 高度集中的大学附属医院(比利时是世界上人均临床试验比例最高的国家,也是欧洲一期临床试验审批速度最快的国家:仅需两周!);拥有孵化器和创新中心的科技园区,成本合理、选择范围广。
瓦隆州集诸多优势于一身, 是名副其实的产业必争之地。
今天的 BioWin=510 个成员
120 家企业
销售额: 30 亿欧元/年
就业: 14,500 个直接就业岗位
私人研发投资:15 亿欧元/年
3 个大学学术团体
来自 3 个大学学术团体的 400 家研究单位
11,000 名研究人员
公共研发投资:1.65 亿欧元/年
BioWin is the Health competitiveness cluster of Wallonia, the region to the south of Brussels in Belgium.
Created in July 2006, its role is to bring together all the Walloon stakeholders participating in innovative projects and/or training in the fields of biotechnology and healthcare.
Its aims are:
To create a new culture of openness and of partnership in order to foster innovation in Wallonia.
To form, attract and conserve first-rate human capital in Wallonia.
To assist with the creation of collective infrastructure and technological platforms.
To promote Wallonia’s strengths in the fields of biotechnology for healthcare and medical technology internationally.
BioWin is the acronym of BIOtechnologies Wallonie INnovation. The members of BioWin are active in the main healthcare biotechnology sectors, namely: (bio)pharmacy, cell therapy, radiopharmacy, diagnostics, biotech products, services (CRO, CMO), medical devices and equipment.
They are all innovators, both in research and development and in production. You can find the complete and detailed list of members on the website under the "Members" tab.
Wallonia has good reason to be proud of its long tradition of excellence in the field of Healthcare biotechnologies. World leaders such as GSK Biologicals (vaccines), UCB(biopharmacy) and IBA (cancer diagnostics and treatments) are companies that have grown out of the local scientific and industrial scene and who have developed in the region. Around 30% of employees of these companies are still dedicated to R&D.Baxter (biopharmacy, medical devices) has been working in Wallonia for more than 30 years (R&D and production) and continues to make long-term investments here. Alongside these large industrial players, there is a rich network of SMEs, including numerous university spin-offs.
Regarding teaching and research, seven universities grouped into three academic consortia based at the universities of Brussels (ULB), Liège (ULg) and Louvain (UCL) also have a long history of cultivating scientific excellence in the biomedical subject areas.
In addition, several internationally renowned research institutes are based in Brussels and in the Walloon region:
Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research (LICR)
Christian De duve Institute of Cellular Pathology (ICP)
Institute for Medical Immunology (IMI)
Grappe Interdisciplinaire de Génoprotéomique Appliquée (Interdisciplinary Cluster for Applied Genoproteonics) (GIGA)
Institut de Biologie et de Médecine Moléculaire (Institute of Biology and Molecular Medicine) (IBMM)
Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire de Biologie Humaine et Moléculaire (Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Human and Molecular Biology) (IRIBHM)
Centre de Microscopie et d'Imagerie Moléculaire (Centre for Microscopy and Molecular Imagery) (CMMI)
Inter-university institute for research in the life sciences “WELBIO”