美国Bristol Instruments
美国Bristol Instruments公司脱胎于前Burleigh公司,在高精度激光波长计和频谱分析仪方面拥有30多年的生产和研发经验,其产品被广泛应用于科研、光通讯及工业领域。其产品覆盖多个系列,测量波长范围覆盖350nm-11um,其中包括521经济连续激光波长计、621高精度激光波长计、721高精度频谱分析仪、821脉冲激光波长计、228光通讯专用高精度波长计。
Bristol Instruments, Inc., located near Rochester, NY, was founded by three former employees of Burleigh Instruments. Bristol Instruments designs, manufactures, and markets precision scientific instruments used in basic and applied research, engineering, and production test applications. The new company has focused its early efforts on the photonics research market that consists of scientists and engineers at colleges, universities, and government laboratories. These researchers are involved primarily in the fields of chemistry, biology, and physics.
The primary technology that is utilized by Bristol Instruments is optical interferometry. Detailed analysis of interference phenomena, a consequence of the wave properties of light, can result in a variety of precise measurements. In particular, Michelson and Fizeau interferometer-based technologies are employed to develop instruments for accurate spectral characterization. Such analysis is important for applications such as high-resolution laser spectroscopy, photochemistry, and optical remote sensing. In the future, Bristol Instruments will expand its product offering to provide solutions in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and petroleum industries.
Bristol Instruments is managed by a core team of professionals that consists of Dr. Brian Samoriski, Dr. Michael Houk, and John Theodorsen. Together, this group has over 35 years of successful experience with Burleigh Instruments. Their particular area of expertise consists of optical interferometer technology, and its use in precise measurement instrumentation.