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B.Braun Melsungen
B.Braun Melsungen B.Braun Melsungen

德国贝朗医疗有限公司(B.Braun Melsungen AG)    
贝朗医疗(上海)国际贸易有限公司成立于1999年12月,为德国贝朗集团全资拥有之公司。注册地址为上海市外高桥保税区港澳路285号。在浦东陆家嘴地区设有经营办事处。法人代表、董事长是Mr.Christian Hildebrandt.公司主要业务为进口集团之产品并在中国境内销售。

B. Braun supplies the global healthcare market with products for anesthesia, intensive medicine, cardiology, extra corporeal blood treatment and surgery, as well as services for hospitals, general practitioners and the homecare sector.

Through dialogue with those who are using B. Braun´s products on a daily basis, the company is continually gaining new knowledge which it incorporates into product development. In this way, the company contributes with innovative products and services towards optimizing working procedures in hospitals and medical practices all over the world and improving safety – for patients, doctors and nursing staff.

With approximately 40,000 employees in 50 countries, B. Braun achieved a turnover in 2009 of 4.03 billion euros.

