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Bistos Bistos

BISTOS是生物信号全面解决方案(Bio Signal Total Solution)的缩写。我们专注于研究、发展和制造健康产品。基于多年以来健康领域的经验,我们不断研发健康设备提供给韩国本土市场并在国际市场上取得了良好的成绩。同时,我们不断升级产品和开发新产品,并致力于为您提供最高的产品品质和最好的服务!
 BISTOS is abbreviated from Bio Signal Total Solution. We are researching, developing, and manufacturing medical equipment. With many years experience and know-how at the medical devices field, we are developing medical products continuously and supplying our products for local market as well as worldwide market. Besides, we don’t cease upgrading our products and developing new products and will make all our efforts to provide the best quality products and best service.


We will lead medical equipment market in the future and contribute to medical devices’ development and service betterment. In order to be a pivot of medical equipment, we will give our best to develop existing medical equipment and open new medical fields of biomedical diagnosis.

