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Benitec Benitec

Benitec Co. Ltd.是澳大利亚上市公司,世界上小核酸技术研发的先驱,拥有多项技术专利。许多医药界的巨头,如默克,辉瑞等公司都购买了他们的专利使用权。Benitec致力于利用小核酸基因沉默技术开发治疗人类重大疾病如艾滋病、癌症及肝炎药物的研究。其中与洛杉矶希望之城生物医学和遗传学中心共同开发的治疗艾滋病的小核酸干扰药物已经在美国FDA获准进入I期临床试验阶段。

Benitec Ltd is a biotechnology company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX: BLT). Founded in 1997 to commercialise research from Queensland's Department of Primary Industries (DPI), Benitec is one of the pioneers of RNA interference (RNAi) technology, which can be used to precisely destroy RNA viruses and silence the expression of defective genes. Benitec's ongoing goal is to generate value through the commercialisation of ddRNAi in the area of human therapeutics.

The vision is for Benitec to be an internationally competitive company dedicated to the development of treatments for serious human diseases including infectious diseases, neurological disorders, cancer and autoimmune diseases, through leadership in RNAi technologies and strategic partnerships with leading biopharmaceutical companies and research organisations globally.
