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Bio-Response Solutions
Bio-Response Solutions Bio-Response Solutions

美国Bio-Response Solutions
Bio-Response Solutions集30年生物安全防护领域的经验,采用高温高压灭活的方式,可以对生物安全实验室排出的全部废液进行有效的灭活处理,能够充分保证最终外排液体的生物安全性,同时也能够确保在其设备上工作、维护、研究人员的安全。
Bio-Response Solutions, Inc. specializes in the design, production, and implementation of custom biowaste treatment systems. This includes Biokill liquid decontamination systems (Effluent Decontamination Systems - EDS) and alkaline hydrolysis tissue digesters for research laboratories. Our systems can be found in BSL 1-4, BSL3ag, and pharmaceutical institutions. We take great pride in providing the safest, most technologically advanced, and easiest to own systems in the world.

Bio-Response is led by Joe Wilson and his seasoned group of Associates with more than 30 years of experience as a leader in the bio-safety industry. Joe is well-known for his accomplishments and capabilities in the bio-safety industry worldwide. While Bio-Response has a wide variety of expertise in the design and implementation of all types of systems in this field, we are experts in waste water systems and alkaline hydrolysis technology; it is what we do and we strive to stay on the cutting edge of the sword in this industry.

Bio-Response has an existing network of Associates worldwide including Australia, South America, Singapore, South Pacific, China, Europe, Canada, and the U.S. with peripheral agencies in many other countries.


Company Culture
Bio-Response is located in the small rural town of Pittsboro, Indiana. Our team takes pride in our honesty and integrity and we simply love what we do together. We have been frequently criticized by our competitors for our horizontally integrated business model...refered to as a "Mom and Pop" operation. We believe this is the type of company that will plant strong roots and remain grounded for the long run, through the thick and thin of the modern economy. We are a small group of experts in our field of biosafety and we rely heavily on other expert companies to provide us services to form a complete product. Many of our supporting engineers have been working on our systems for more than 20 years and are very much a part of our family. We do not believe that one company can be the best at everything under their own roof due to lack of experience in outside applications, so we team up with the best tank fabricator, the best in biosafety controls engineering, and with our in-house engineering staff we provide the most complete and technologically advanced systems. The best part for you is that we can provide superior equipment at competitive pricing, and our light and efficient operation is in it for the long haul.

We feel that as a company, we have a responsibility to provide the best service and equipment at a fair price. Our number one goal is to protect the lives of the people working around our equipment and ensure that they can safely go home to their families at the end of every work day. We believe in creating lasting, honest relationships with our customers, whether they are the end user or an architecture and engineering firm.

