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BioServe BioServe

BioServe公司交付完整的‘生物材料到有效数据’基因解决方案。BioServe公司能对从生物样品中获得的基因内容进行迅速的、经济的处理和分析,这种能力帮助世界范围内的研究者获得临床前基因结果,这些结果都是在研究、药物发现以及分子诊断方面实现重大突破所必需的。BioServe公司的技术、产品和服务为实现最佳的临床前工作流提供了基础,这些工作流涉及:处理核酸、DNA合成、大规模定序和分型、多基因定位和基因表达分析所需的革新方法。BioServe公司的客户包括领先的制药和生物技术公司、政府以及学术研究机构。 BioServe公司总部设在马里兰州的Laurel和印度的Hyderabad。

Our 'biomaterial to data' model offers one of the world’s largest commercial biorepositories and a full suite of preclinical molecular services and research tools to accelerate breakthroughs in genetics, drug discovery, biomarker research, and molecular diagnostics.

BioServe's Global BioRepository provides leading academic and industry researchers with access to over 600,000 human DNA, tissue and serum samples linked to detailed clinical and demographic data from 120,000 consented and anonymized patients on four continents.

Utilizing BioServe's preclinical molecular services, researchers can identify genetic markers, validate drug targets and correlate clinical and molecular data to accelerate the development of new and safer drugs.

BioServe's research tools division offers everything from from nucleic acids processing, DNA synthesis, high throughput sequencing and genotyping, genome wide-scans and gene expression analysis to ready-made large epidemiologically sound case-control studies.

BioServe's customers include nearly every major pharmaceutical and biotechnology company, as well as top industry, academic, and government research institutions.

Founded in 1989, BioServe has corporate headquarters in Beltsville, Maryland and Hyderabad, India.
