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Berger Surgical
Berger Surgical Berger Surgical

德国贝格医疗 Berger Surgical Medical Products Gmbh

我们有特别强的质量意识,我们的大多数产品在德国图特林根(世界著名的医用仪器制造中心)生产。为了使我们的产品质量更有保障,1996年贝格医疗器械有限公司通过了ISO 13485/2003国际质量管理体系认证,按照93/42/EEC的标准进行生产,使我们产品质量有充分的保障。我们为客户提供优良的售后服务,并不断创新满足客户的需求。

We have accumulated an extensive specialised know-ledge over the years. This is the basis for our market activities. This makes us able to expertly comment on the market, products methods, quality prices and last but not least delivery times. This gives us the opportunity to earn our customers trust and, as a young highly motivated team, we are very conscientious and our main objective is to solve our customer’s problems.
Our products are distributed by chosen experts. Due to the fact that the products are supplied locally, the consumer always has a competent contact person, and having recognised this fact, it will always be our endeavour to offer our support the market of tomorrow requires partnership and „on the spot“ competence.
