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北科生物 北科生物

北科生物Beike Biotechnology  



北科生物在海内外投资成立了黑龙江省北科生物科技有限公司、辽宁北科生物科技有限公司、江苏省北科生物科技有限公司、上海祥晖生物科技有限公司、湖北省北科生物科技有限公司、北科国际(香港)有限公司、Beike Biotech India Pvt. Ltd.(印度)和Beike-Siricell Holdings Inc.(泰国)。


北科生物致力于干细胞技术从实验室到临床应用的一系列标准、规范和体系的建立和完善;致力于多种来源的成体干细胞的体外分离、培养、扩增、诱导、分化及鉴定的基础研究和临床应用研究;致力于多种干细胞组织工程产品的研究、开发,以及干细胞相关的药物筛选平台的建设;特别值得一提的是,在近两年国内外在干细胞领域取得突破性进展的iPS技术领域,公司拥有自主知识产权并决定在该研究领域投入巨资。目前,北科生物已在全国各地建立了多个符合GMP标准的细胞实验室,已启动ISO9001 质量管理体系认证,并积极参照AABB/FACT的相关标准,对公司现有质控体系进行完善和提高。




Beike Biotechnology is a leading biotechnology company whose scientists have been dedicated to the development and commercialization of adult stem cell therapies since 1999. The company currently produces a full line of stem cell products derived from umbilical cord, cord blood, and bone marrow stem cells. Beike's proprietary processing and quality assurance technologies prepare the cells for use in treating a variety of serious medical conditions including ataxia, brain injury, cerebral palsy, diabetic foot disease, lower limb ischemia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injury, and optic nerve damage.

Beike's stem cells are derived from healthy donors who are carefully screened for transmissible diseases. The samples are additionally screened by government appointed blood banks and Beike’s specialized laboratories. The stem cells are then banked in state-of-the-art facilities and only utilized in partnership with the best hospitals and physicians.

Stringent quality control procedures are undertaken at each of Beike‘s eighteen laboratories. Some of the laboratories are located inside the research departments of hospitals while others are located directly inside government blood banks. Beike also has two large stand alone laboratories where both research and stem cell processing take place. Beike, in partnership with the regional government, maintains a bank for the storage of stem cells located in the China Medical City in the Jiangsu province. This storage facility is capable of storing cord blood, cord mesenchymal, and iPS cells. All of the laboratories are outfitted with modern equipment and have been fully certified by the relevant drug authorities.

Treatment protocols include injections of umbilical cord blood stem cells, cord mesenchymal stem cells, and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells directly into the spinal cord fluid and intravenously. However, for ailments like spinal cord injuries, liver disease, heart disease, muscular dystrophy, and lower limb ischemia, the stem cells are delivered through injections directly into the damaged tissue as well as through standard methods. For many diseases, protocols include rehabilitation and physical therapy.

Stem cells work by providing the body with paracrine and cytokines as well as a variety of other cell factors. These help to encourage the following functions:

1. Immune system regulation
2. Reducing cell death
3. Stimulation of growth of the patient’s own stem cells
4. Neo-angiogenesis (the growth of blood vessels resulting in increased blood flow to damaged areas)
5. Scar tissue reduction
6. Improving the effective conduction of intercellular electrical signals and transduction

Our research for future treatments is focused mainly on iPS technology in partnership with various leading scientific groups including Tsinghua Unversity. Beike’s scientists and partners have authored nearly eighty publications in Chinese scientific journals as well as ongoing clinical studies since our first ALS trial program in 2001. We very much welcome cooperation with international partners to help verify the effectiveness of our treatments and protocols and to license other technologies for use throughout our network of twenty seven hospitals。

The company was founded with capital from Beijing University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Shenzhen City Hall. The formation of the company was also supported with grants from the China State National Fund. Since that time, additional capital has been provided by a variety of Chinese venture capital firms.In total, Beike has received over US$6 million in Chinese government grants including a grant for a joint laboratory in Shenzhen with Tsingua University to focus on the study of stem cell reprogramming.

Beike‘s head office is located in Shenzhen but the company also has offices in Beijing, Nanjing, Taizhou, and Qingdao.

Stem Cell Processing Information

Umbilical Cord Blood (UCB) Stem Cells

For most ailments such as CP, ataxia, ALS, autism, and optic nerve hypoplasia, Beike's protocols utilize UCB stem cells. Our UCB stem cell doses consist of three subsets of stem cells. These are hematopoietic stem cells, endothelial progenitor cells, and mesenchymal stem cells. As has been shown in numerous studies, hematopoietic stem cells and endothelial progenitor stem cells are likely to form tissues in the body. Mesenchymal stem cells can assist in the growth of chondrocytes (a type of cell critical to tissue renewal, particularly cartilage), liver cells, kidney cells, and neurons, and also conduct repairs in relation to vascular disorders within the brain, ocular areas, and throughout the body including the heart, kidney, and pancreas.

Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal (UC-MSC) Stem Cells

Some of Beike's protocols, inclu
