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BioClinica BioClinica

BioClinica公司是一家全球领先的集成,技术增强的临床试验服务的全球供应商。 BioClinica 支持药品和医疗与影像的核心实验室,网络图像传输设备的创新, 电子数据采集,语音和网络的互动反应,临床供应链设计与优化解决方案。 BioClinica服务,最大限度地提高了临床试验的各个阶段的效率和可管理性的过程。随着2000多名迄今为止的成功试验,BioClinica支持了临床开发许多新的药物试验的早期阶段通过的最后批准。 BioClinica经营的最先进的国家,管理体标准成像两大洲的核心实验室,并支持全球eClinical和数据从美国和欧洲设有办事处管理服务。

On March 24, 2008, Bio-Imaging Technologies, Inc. completed the acquisition of Phoenix Data Systems. On April 28, we re-branded ourselves to become BioClinica. BioClinica is a global clinical trials service organization, providing medical image management and eClinical services. This includes electronic data capture and clinical data management solutions to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies and other organizations, such as contract research organizations (CROs) engaged in clinical trials.

Imaging Core Lab Services
Our medical image management services help our clients design and manage the medical imaging component of clinical trials. We have developed specialized services and proprietary software applications that enable independent radiologists and other medical specialists involved in clinical trials to review medical image data in an entirely digital format, and make highly precise measurements and bio-statistical inferences in the most efficient way possible.

Our imaging core lab services include the collection, processing, analysis and regulatory submission of medical images and related clinical data. Medical images are received from a wide variety of imaging modalities and the resulting data enables our clients and regulatory reviewers (primarily the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and comparable European agencies) to evaluate product efficacy and safety.

eClinical Services
Our eClinical services include a variety of customizable solutions that enhance pharmaceutical and biotech companies’ ability to process and store clinical data through the use of proprietary software and hosting services. BioClinica technology improves data quality and allows our sponsors to see the results of their clinical trials faster and more accurately than with conventional paper-based methods. We offer a comprehensive array of eClinical data solutions, including Full Service EDC — a combination of electronic data capture, interactive voice response, reporting and data management solutions — and are focused on making the process of collecting and analyzing data from clinical trials faster, easier and more reliable.
