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Biosite Biosite

博适公司(Biosite® Incorporated)于1988年3月成立在美国特拉华州(Delaware) ,后其总部迁往加利弗尼亚州(California)圣地亚哥(San Diego)市。Beckman 16亿收购Biosite

从成立之初,博适公司即明确了以“技术创新”为核心的发展模式。经过近20年的高速发展,博适公司已成为当今世界上“床旁快速诊断设备(POCT)”和“蛋白质抗体免疫技术”的著名供应商。在过去的10年中,博适公司先后推出了药物滥用检测、心脏生化标志物检测、败血症检测、脑梗塞检测和细菌及寄生虫疾病检测等数十个产品系列,涉及临床医学、检验医学、急症医学、卫生防疫等众多领域。博适公司的以“技术创新”为核心的发展理念是与其自始至终对新产品研究开发予以的高度重视息息相关的。公司在创立初期便组建了自己的研发队伍,随后在1999年成立了一个以新产品研发为核心的独立子公司,即如今的Biosite® Discovery。作为博适公司的新产品研发机构,Biosite® Discovery通过和诸如杜克大学、美国心脏病协会、礼来公司、贝克曼公司等世界顶尖的学校,科研机构及商业公司的广泛长期的合作而一跃已成为当今全美顶级的诊断性生化标志物研发机构。依托来自于世界各地的杰出的生物技术研发人员,通过独立的专利申请或行业间的横向协作,Biosite® Discovery在蛋白质疾病研究领域进行了史无前例的深入研究,其掌握的70余项专利技术正在世界范围内广泛应用。其快速便携式Triage® MeterPlus检测系统的成功推广更是如今“一个平台,多种用途”的主流设计理念的典范之作。
博适公司连续5年的高速增长主要得益于其旗舰产品Triage® BNP检测在世界范围的成功推广。尽管自2002年11月以来,先后有瑞士罗氏(Roche),德国拜尔(Bayer),Axis-Shield Plc公司,Abbott实验室等推出各自的BNP检测,但博适公司Triage® BNP检测被《新英格兰医学》杂志认为此领域内的技术“金标准”。它同时也是目前少数几个被美国FDA认证的BNP测试方法之一。在美国,约6000余家医院正在使用Triage® BNP检测,一半以上的医院把Triage® BNP检测作为心脏衰竭和心肌梗塞的常规诊断手段;国际上,博适公司在法国、德国、比利时、英国等国家建立了销售部,其代理销售网络已延及欧洲,非洲,拉美及亚洲太平洋地区,并在欧洲拥有近1000家医院的成功应用经验。
据2004年美国的相关统计博适Triage® BNP检测占据美国同类产品市场份额的85%,世界市场份额的50%。


Biosite® Incorporated is a leading provider of rapid diagnostics products and antibody development technologies. Through its integrated discovery and diagnostics businesses, Biosite seeks to develop diagnostic solutions that improve clinical and economic outcomes for acute diseases. Biosite's Triage® products are used in 50 percent of U.S. hospitals and in 50 international markets.

Diagnosis is one of the most critical links in medicine today. Timely, accurate diagnosis can mean the difference between patient admission and discharge, between relief of symptoms and prolonged suffering, between early intervention and missed therapeutic opportunities and, in the gravest instances, between life and death.

Striving for sustained growth, we have adopted a strategy that encompasses the diagnostic continuum from protein validation to point-of-care diagnostics. Through combined expertise in diagnostic discovery and commercialization we are able to select large market opportunities, access potential markers of disease, identify proteins with high diagnostic utility, apply validated disease markers to advanced testing platforms, bring products to market, and educate physicians and other clinicians on new approaches to diagnosis, thereby benefiting patients. Underlying strengths that enable us to carry out this strategy include:

Expertise in rapid, high-capacity antibody development, enabling high throughput screening of potential diagnostic markers and cost-efficient development of high affinity antibodies for use in commercialized products
Extensive knowledge of analyte cloning and synthesis, signaling chemistry and microcapillary fluidics, which has contributed to the successful invention of proprietary testing platforms
Track record for successfully moving novel diagnostics through the development pipeline and obtaining United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) clearance or approval; and
Extensive professional interaction and collaboration with customers, clinical researchers and the medical community.

Better healthcare outcomes begin with better diagnosis. Better diagnosis begins with Biosite.
