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Bosch Bosch

博世 Bosch     
罗伯特·博世有限公司(Robert Bosch GmbH)是一家总部位于斯图加特的德国公司,由罗伯特·博世于1886年创建。

博世包装技术(杭州)有限公司成立于2001年4月,是由罗伯特•博世有限公司与博世(中国)投资有限公司共同投资的独资企业 。 总部位于魏布林根(德国)的博世包装技术是加工和包装技术领域的领先供应商。它在全球15多个国家研发和生产针对制药、食品和糖果的整体包装解决方案。它的杭州工厂-同时也是销售额而言国领先的本土包装机械供应商, 主要服务于中国国内市场。

博世包装杭州工厂自成立以来,2002年1月第一台制药胶囊填充机器顺利下线。2003年6月生产第一台袋充填成型包装机。2003年9月建立了自己的销售、市场推广及售后服务团队。2005年糖果事业部开始研发生产面向糖果行业的包装机械。为了进一步大量提高产能,公司于2006年10月搬迁到了新厂址,位于风景秀丽的钱塘江北岸——杭州经济技术开发区。2007年1月灭菌液体线的投产,标志着公司大大地扩张了制 药行业的机械产品线。2010年公司厂房扩建,全线满足制药机械市场的发展需求。2011年博世包装迎来在华10周年,同时举行了三楼办公区域的扩建典礼。


Robert Bosch GmbH (  (·)), or Bosch, is a  and  company headquartered in , near , Germany. It is the world's largest supplier of automotive components as of 2011. The company was founded by  in Stuttgart in 1886.

Bosch's core products are automotive components (including , controls, electrical drives, electronics, fuel systems, generators,  and steering systems), industrial products (including drives and controls, packaging technology and consumer goods and building products (including , , security systems and thermotechnology).

Bosch has more than 350 subsidiaries across over 60 countries and its products are sold in around 150 countries. Bosch employs around 303,000 people and had revenues of approximately €51.4 billion in 2011. In 2010 it invested around €3.8 billion in research and development and applied for over 3,800 patents worldwide. In 2009 Bosch was the leader in terms of numbers of patents at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (GPTO) with 3,213 patents.

They keep striving to sustained economic success and leading market position in all that they do. By the year 2012, roughly 306,000 associates in Bosch generated sales of 52.5 billion euros in 150 countries. Meanwhile, it spent some 4.8 billions euros (more than 9 percent of its sales) for research and development last year, and applied for nearly 4,800 patents worldwide. Bosch ranks first in Europe with 838 patents in 2012. Patents protect the company’s innovations from being imitated, while licensing allows third parties to benefit from Bosch’s technological edge. However, not every good idea leads to a patent, and not all patents go on to become products. It is a long and winding road. And the good news recently is that Bosch picked up three awards at Toyota Motor Europe’s Annual Supplier Business Meeting: The Quality Superior Performance Award, Achievement Award and so on. The awards featured over 300 suppliers, making Bosch’s three wins a huge achievement.

Robert Bosch GmbH is privately owned, and 92% of its share capital is held by , a charitable foundation. The majority of voting rights are held by Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand KG, an industrial trust. The remaining shares are held by the Bosch family and by Robert Bosch GmbH. The Bosch logo represents a simple  armature and casing, one of the company's first products.
