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Bytewise Bytewise


1 在线型激光测厚仪(OLP),用于胎面胶挤出生产线的胶料厚度以及外形尺寸进行不间断测量,及时反馈挤出的不良情况,避免因口型变化,原料性能等因素造成的挤出浪费.
2 离线型测厚仪(OFLP),用于冷却胶料的外形尺寸扫描测量,通过测量可以间接观察挤出线的生产情况,同时可以对模具(口型板)进行扫描,辅助制作出精确的口型,从而节约挤出的原料.
3 胎面耐磨损度分析系统(CTWIST),对使用中的成胎外胎面进行跟踪扫描,查看花纹快的磨损情况,预计轮胎使用寿命,可用于新产品花纹研发
4 异形胶料(如汽车门窗密封条)360度形状扫描系统(PRO360),可对异 形胶条进行全截面扫描,并得出胶条截面各个点的截面参数。
About Bytewise Measurement Systems
Bytewise began in 1989 like so many other technology companies - in the garage of its founder, Michael Harris. Initially, the company delivered custom software solutions to local corporations within the Columbus, Georgia region. A couple of years later, while working on a software project for a local manufacturer, Bytewise seized the opportunity to redesign an industrial measurement device. From that beginning, Bytewise began to focus solely on designing and building non-contact, industrial measurement systems.

Today, Bytewise continues to design and deliver non-contact profile measurement systems for a variety of industrial applications. Industries in which our products can be found include the tire (tire identification), rubber (rubber extrusions), plastics (plastic extrusions), automotive (tire manufacturing & testing), forging, wood-plastic composite lumber(WPC Lumber) and building materials.

Our goal every time we deliver a system is to serve our customers in such a way that they will continue to be thrilled about doing business with us many years later. Since 1989, we have tried to accomplish that goal by creating and utilizing leading-edge technologies, developing powerful, yet easy-to-use software and providing personable, accurate and fast service to our clients. This model of doing business has afforded us the privilege of working with many of the world’s largest companies in 24 countries around the globe. We would welcome your joining our ever-growing list of clients and we hope that you will give us the opportunity to serve you and your company.
