
热门词: 进口电动温度调节阀结构图|进口电动温度调节阀数据表进口电动高温调节阀-德国进口电动高温法兰调节阀进口电动蒸汽调节阀-德国进口电动蒸汽调节阀

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Burkert Burkert


  “Burkert”在长期的发展过程中,非常重视技术创新和新品开发。通过针对性的产品设计、现 代化和加工工艺、严格认真的质量检验和切实的市场预测,形成了以“通用电磁阀系统”“过程控制 阀系统”“气动控制阀系统”“液体分析阀系统”以及“传感器/变送器”和 “控制器”为主体的六 大系列产品。基于“Burkert”产品精巧的设计、卓越的性能和完善的服务,使“Burkert”产品在流 体控制领域始终处于领先地位。 “Burkert”生产的 “环氧树脂封装线圈”以及“电缆连接插头 ”已成为国际ISO质量标准。“Burkert”发明的 “先导衔铁电磁系统”“摇臂式电磁阀”及“脉冲 线圈”就是公司不断创新发展的最佳例证。

  目前,Burkert专业化的流体控制系统产品已广泛应用于各行各业,尤其在水/污水处理、啤酒饮 料、食品加工、制药及医疗设备、消毒清洗、及纺织化工等领域更是有着极大的优势和广阔的市场前 景。而且在一些极端苛刻的工作情况下,如卫星、太空试验室、核反应堆及深海探测装置中, “Burkert”产品也显示了其精确性和可靠性.

  随着中国工业的不断发展,“Burkert”将以其先进的产品、优良的品质、周到的服务致力于中 国工业化水平的进一步提高。而且,为了满足国内市场不断增长的需求, 目前拥有“德国宝得(中国 /香港)总公司”和"宝帝流体控制系统(上海)有限公司"分别负责香港地区和内地的市场和苏州技术服 务中心。同时组建了北京、上海、成都、广州、苏州办事处。以此为依托可以为广大客户更加及时准 确地供货,提供相应的技术服务和培训 ,并针对客户的应用要求提供最专业、最周到的服务。
Bürkert is present in thirtyfive countries around the world. We also work with a large network of distributors and partners, which means we are as close as possible to our customers. This global presence ensures full service and support to all of our customers in every country around the world.

Research is the lifeblood of our company. At Bürkert, we are never satisfied with the status quo and are continually seeking new technologies and solutions for our customers. Every year, our people develop new and highly advanced products and solutions, ranging from integrated process measurement and control units to the most sophisticated systems used in pharmaceutical research.
To be a market leader, we are also an R&D leader. Therefore, our investment in research & development is one of the highest in our industry. In our research centres in Germany and France, 150 people are committed to working for a common future for our company and our customers.

We are committed to offering our expertise wherever it is needed, anywhere in the world. This global presence ensures that our advances in fluid control technology are also global.

