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Bioneer Bioneer

BIONEER公司是韩国KOSDAQ上市的著名生物科技企业(Kosdaq:064550),于1992年由朴翰浯(Han-Oh Park, Ph.D.)博士创建,总部设在韩国大田,拥有雄厚的科研实力,并承担有韩国科技部大量研究项目。凭借优异的产品质量、先进的生产管理经验,Bioneer通过了ISO9001和ISO13485产品质量体系认证。2005年在美国成立了全资子公司,并建有22,000平米的寡核苷酸合成基地。目前Bioneer在全球四十多个国家拥有销售网络,拥有全球最大的寡核苷酸合成规模,韩国国内外专利170多项,产品覆盖生命科学、基因组学、基因诊断和基因治疗等领域.
试剂——DNA/RNA提取纯化、独特PCR Premix、酶及DNA标准物

Bioneer Corporation is the first Korean biotechnology company established in 1992. The company has developed state of art molecular biology products and technologies including oligonucleotides, thermostable polymerases, and instruments of gene manipulation (automatic nucleic acid extractor, thermal cycler, real-time QPCR instruments and DNA sequencer). From its inception, Bioneer has invested in the integration of recombinant DNA technology, fermentation, biochemistry and nucleic acid chemistry in addition to mechanics, photonics and electronics. The company is positioned to fully-integrate its capability to develop next generation technologies in the post-genome era through the invention of new biochemistry and instruments. Bioneer now runs two production and research facilities in Korea which are a total of 226,000 square feet. Equipped with proprietary 384 synthesizers, these facilities contain a full production line for oligonucleotide and siRNA synthesis. In addition to DNA manufacturing, Bioneer processes recombinant proteins which are fermented and purified on proprietary purification systems.

After a successful Initial Public Offering in December 2005, Bioneer Corp. launched Bioneer Inc., the wholly owned subsidiary. The American subsidiary is located in a 22,000 square foot production and distribution facility in Alameda, CA, the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area. The company is dedicated to providing state of art solutions to the global community of life science researchers in academia, biotech and pharmaceutical companies.
