美国艾森生物科学公司(ACEA Biosciences Inc)
艾森生物科学公司(ACEA Biosciences Inc) 创建于2002年5月,公司位于美国加利福尼亚州的“生物硅谷”—-圣地亚哥,公司致力于开发具有国际先进水平的生物细胞自动分析系统等系列产品,以加速现代药物开发和提高基础生命科学研究水平,艾森已成功地研发出拥有自主知识产权、国际首创的微电子生物传感器芯片及实时细胞分析系统等多项核心技术,在无标记生物检测这个新颖的生物技术领域处于全球领先地位。
艾森生物(杭州)有限公司成立于2003年10月份,由艾森生物科学公司(ACEA Biosciences Inc.)独资筹建,总部设在美国生物硅谷——加利福尼亚州的圣地亚哥市。
实时细胞分析系统具有实时监控、高信息量、无需标记、全自动化、 高灵敏度和高准确性等优点,极大地提高了药物开发和基础生命科学研究的自动化过程及产出通量,并从根本上改进人们从事细胞分子生物学研究的手段和方式。
ACEA Biosciences has pioneered the development of high-performance microelectronic systems for cell-based assays. Recently, ACEA Biosciences and Roche have entered into an exclusive agreement for the development, OEM supply and distribution for ACEA Bioscience’s real-time cell assay technology. ACEA and Roche are developing and marketing on a world-wide basis ACEA’s microplate-based biosensor platform for a variety of applications in drug development, toxicology, cancer research, and medical microbiology and virology. ACEA's products are designed to meet the increasing needs of the life science research and drug discovery markets by providing cost-effective, automated, high content, real time detection systems that simplify complex cell-based assay procedures and increase productivity.
The Roche-ACEA current product portfolio includes the RT-CA™ microplate biosensor platform featuring 16 well and 96 well plates and individual workstations. In addition, a 6 X 96 multi-plate® station is now available to increase the assay throughput. Using the same microelectronic sensor technology, Roche and ACEA will soon launch the revolutionary real time migration analysis system. The system allows researchers to study the invasiveness of cancer cells in a highly quantitative, microplate- based, label-free, cost effective assay. With its international reach, ACEA Biosciences works closely with scientists throughout the world. Hangzhou, China is the site of ACEA's world-class manufacturing operations. Roche, as ACEA’s strategic partner, will assure the timely sales, service, and support of the Roche- ACEA growing product line throughout the world. ACEA Biosciences headquarters is in San Diego, California.