美国AssayPro致力于为学术研究和制药、生物技术产业的研究人员,提供高质量的成套免疫吸附试剂。其产品线包括AssayMax酶联免疫吸附试剂盒, AssaySense活性测定盒,抗体和其他相关试剂。
Assaypro is dedicated to providing high quality immunological assay kits to the researchers in both academia and pharmaceutical/biotech industry. Our product lines include AssayMax ELISA kits, AssaySense activity assay kits, antibodies, and other related reagents.
We support customers with not only competitively priced assay kits and reagents, but also customized products to meet your specific needs. Our highly motivated, well educated, and experienced scientists are eager to serve you for your success.
All our ELISA kits/activity kits & antibody products are manufactured at Saint Charles, Missouri, USA under ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485:2003 QMS system by Assaypro. We also manufacture highly purified plasma protein products and kit controls.