Ascletis 歌礼生物
歌礼生物科技(杭州)有限公司是一家新兴的生物技术公司,致力于癌症和传染性疾病重要新疗法的发现、开发和 商业化。歌礼专注于为发展中的中国制药市场进行创新药物的临床开发和生产。歌礼由富有创业精神的管理层和资 深的科研团队组成,具有为美国和欧洲的大型跨国制药和新兴生物技术公司成功发现并开发药物的经验。
Ascletis is an emerging biotechnology company, dedicated to discovering, developing and commercializing important new treatments for cancer and infectious diseases. Ascletis is focused on clinical development of innovative medicines and commercialization for the growing Chinese pharmaceutical marketplace. Ascletis has assembled an entrepreneurial management and senior scientific team with a track record of successful pharmaceutical discovery and development at major global pharmaceutical and emerging biotechnology companies in the United States and Europe.