安徽时联 Anhui Fulltime
安徽时联特种溶剂股份有限公司自创建伊始,一直致力于坚持以市场为导向,大力发展高纯及HPLC级系列溶剂产品。充分利用自主研发的“多级反应-精馏”技术,生产了乙腈、甲醇、乙醇、异丙醇、丙酮、正己烷、正庚烷、四氢呋南、二氯甲烷、氯仿等高纯系列产品,已具备分析纯、制备纯、色谱纯、光谱纯、农残级、无水级、生物级、LC/MS级等8个系列的全系列产品。现已形成1000吨/年HPLC乙腈生产装置、500吨/年HPLC甲醇生产装置、 160吨/年高纯系列产品生产装置。 经北京大学化学学院色谱实验室、中科院化学研究所生命分析化学实验室、中国药品生物制品检定所分析测试中心、中国检验检疫研究院食品安全研究所等应用实验及北京化学试剂研究所分析测试中心分析测试结果表明: 安徽时联HPLC乙腈产品完全满足HPLC-MS分析的要求,产品质量达到国外同类产品的先进水平。
安徽时联特种溶剂股份有限公司申报了“十一五”国家科技支持计划重点项目—“重要科研用核心试剂中间体研发与产业化应用示范”的课题,并承担了该课题“十一五”规划后两年有机和无机高纯试剂研发和产业化工作。 公司计划在2010年新建年产7000吨高纯特种系列溶剂项目,以期创建一个国内高纯特种系列溶剂共性关键技术与产品研发扩散平台和产业化生产研发的基地。
Anhui Fulltime Specialized Solvent & Reagent Co., Ltd(the former Anqing Fulltime Chemical Company Co., Ltd) is located in Anqing City, Anhui Province, covers an area of 25 acres. It is a high-tech enterprise in Anhui Province. With the spirit of company, " Developing Technology Infinite Pursuit", using self-developed proprietary technologies we do research, development and production for high-purity specialty solvents and fine chemical products. Fulltime has a good potential for sustainable development with the advantages of having plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), gaschromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (HPLC), fluorescence spectrometer, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (UV-VIS) and other advancedtesting instrument, equipping first-class laboratory equipments and doing really effective environmental governance. Since its founding, Fulltime has been committed to adhere to market-oriented to develop series of high-purity and HPLC grade solvents products. Company use self-developed "multi-level reaction - distillation" technology to produce acetonitrile, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, acetone, hexane, heptane, tetrahydrofuran, dichloromethane, chloroform and other high purity series products, which already have 8 series of full range of products of AR, HPLC/PREP, HPLC/ACS, HPLC/SPECTRO, HPLC PLUS/RESI, ANHYDROUS, BIO/ULTRA LOW WATER and LC/MS. There are a 1000 t/a HPLC acetonitrile plant, a 500 t/a HPLC methanol plant and a 160 t/a high purity products plant. Our HPLC Acetonitrile Series had been tested/applied/verified by Chromatography laboratory of college of chemical of Beijing University, Lab of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science of Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Science, Center of Analysis and Test at National Institute for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products and Food Safety Institute of Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine and analytical results of Center Analysis and Test of Beijing Chemical Reagents Institute fully meet the requirements of HPLC-MS. The "Eleventh Five-Year" National Technology Support Program had been applied to Fulltime's key projects - "demonstration of R & D and industrialization of application of the core reagent and intermediate for scientific research" and fully responsible for taking the R & D and industrialization of the organic and inorganic high-purity reagents of the projects on the 3rd year of "Eleventh Five-Year Plan". The company plans to produce 7,000 tons of series of high-purity solvents & reagents in 2010 to create an R & D common platform and industrial production base for solving of key technologies of specialized high-purity solvents & reagents series. The constant persistent pursuit the quality and service will always be our goal. The high-quality products, reasonable price and loyal service shall be come out from Fulltime to meet your needs.