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这种GNR信号灯PNA FISH检验可直接在含革兰氏阴性杆菌的阳性血液培养物中同时鉴定大肠杆菌、肺炎克氏杆菌和绿脓杆菌。PNA探针的肽骨架具有独特性质,能在极其复杂的样本基质(如血液和血液培养物)中使用FISH检验,这进而有利于开发极简易但却极准确的检验,避免像其它核酸技术那样需要进行繁琐的样品制备。

该检验产品由AdvanDX公司(Woburn, MA, USA; www.advandx.com)出品,已获得美国食品药品管理局(FDA; Silver Spring, MD, USA; www.fda.gov)的510(k)认证。它的问世使AdvanDx公司的易用型PNA FISH分子诊断平台如虎添翼,快速的检验结果可以引导治疗,使临床医生能尽早向革兰氏阴性血流感染(BSI)患者提供有效治疗。

GNR信号灯PNA FISH检验将使微生物实验室能比传统方法提前24-48小时识别并报告阳性血液培养物中的大肠杆菌、肺炎克氏杆菌和绿脓杆菌。如此快的结果将使临床医生占有先机,为革兰氏阴性血流感染患者选用恰当而有效的疗法,研究显示这样也许能改善临床预后,减少不良事件的发生率,缩短住院时间。

AdvanDx is a leading provider of rapid and accurate molecular diagnostic tests for identification of pathogens causing critical infections in hospitalized patients. Our mission is to help healthcare providers optimize antibiotic therapy earlier in order to improve patient outcomes while limiting unnecessary antibiotic use and reducing hospital costs.

AdvanDx employs a unique, Whole Cell Analysis (WCA) approach to pathogen identification using our proprietary Peptide Nucleic Acid Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (PNA FISH) technology platform. This technology enables fast and highly accurate single cell analysis for species, resistance and virulence marker identification of bacterial cells found in samples from patients with critical infections.

AdvanDx is the market leader in molecular testing of positive blood cultures enabling clinical microbiology labs to report pathogen identification results 48 to 72 hours earlier than with conventional testing methods. When used by physicians and pharmacists to ensure early, appropriate antibiotic therapy for patients with bloodstream infections (a.k.a. septicemia), AdvanDx’s PNA FISH® tests have been shown in clinical studies to reduce patient mortality, shorten length of stay (LOS) and lower hospital costs.
