安科是在中央领导批示下,由中国科学院与美国Nasdaq上市公司Analogic于1986 年合资成立的中国最早的高科技医疗器械公司,是广东省和深圳市最早的高新技术企业之一。公司主要从事高档医疗电子设备的开发、生产和经营,目前产品涉及医疗影像、医疗信息、医疗电子和治疗等四个领域,有六大类、近三十个品种。所有产品均达到或接近当代国际同类产品先进水平,在国内外市场上具有较高的知名度和占有率。安科是我国医疗器械行业的骨干和排头兵,多次荣获全国及省、市优秀高新技术企业称号,是国家级重点火炬计划项目实施单位。安科是国内首批得到国家人事部授权和认可的企业博士后工作站之一。
1989年 开发出中国第一台MRI
1990年 开发出中国第一台彩超
1991年 被广东省和深圳市评定为首家高新技术企业,并成为中国医疗器械行业首家高新技术企业
1994年 荣获“首届全国高新技术百强企业”称号
1995年 开发出中国第一套PACS系统
1996年 国内最早的国家级企业博士后工作站在安科成立
1996年 在国内同行中率先通过国际国内权威机构的质量体系双重认证
1998年 开发出中国第一台开放式永磁型MRI
2000年 开发出中国第一台神经外科手术导航系统
2001年 荣获“深圳市百强高新技术企业”称号
2002年 评定为深圳市重点软件企业
2004年 荣获“广东省优秀高新技术企业”称号
Shenzhen Anke High-tech Co., Ltd. is a Sino-US joint venture incorporated by Chinese Academy of Sciences and Analogic Corporation (listed in Nasdaq) in 1986. It is one of the first high-tech enterprises certified by Chinese government. Anke is mainly engaged in the R&D, manufacture, sales and service of high-end medical equipment. Presently it mainly develops and manufactures over twenty kinds of products across four fields: medical imaging, medical informatics, medical electronics and medical therapeutics. As a pioneer in Chinese medical device industry, Anke enjoys a good reputation. All of its products have reached or are close to international advanced standard, and take a large market share in both domestic and overseas market, which makes Anke a well-known brand.
Anke is committed to promote national medical device industry development and provide high cost-performance products and quality service for its customers.
Anke has created many firsts and won several honors in Chinese medical device industry, filling many national gaps and contributing a lot to public health.
1989 First MRI in China
1990 First CFM Ultrasound System in China
1991 First High-tech Enterprise in Shenzhen, Guangdong
1991 First High-tech Enterprise in Chinese medical device industry
1994 Top One Hundred National High-tech Enterprise
1995 First PACS in China
1996 Earliest National Enterprise-based Post-doctoral Workstation
1998 First Open MRI with Permanent Magnet in China
2000 First Neurosurgical Navigation System in China
2001 Shenzhen Top One Hundred High-tech Enterprise
2002 Shenzhen Key Software Enterprise
2004 Guangdong Top One Hundred High-tech Enterprise