美国Aspect Medical Systems
Aspect Medical Systems公司是脑监控技术市场的全球领先企业。迄今为止,该公司的脑电双频指数(Bispectral Index™或BIS™)技术应用于大约3400万名病患的检测服务中,并成为了3300多篇已发表文章和摘要中的主题。入围《美国新闻与世界报道》09年7月“美国最佳医院”排名的医院中有大约78%使用了BIS技术,美国大约74%的手术室安装了该设备。在过去的12个月中,全美大约19%使用全身麻醉或深度镇静的外科手术应用了BIS技术。Aspect Medical Systems公司与9家领先的病患监控系统制造商签署了代工协议。
Aspect Medical Systems (NASDAQ: ASPM) was founded in 1987 to develop technology that could measure a then unknown element of patient status – the direct effect of drugs and disease on the brain. Today, Aspect is recognized as a pioneer and global market leader in brain monitoring, having led the way to develop proprietary technologies that directly measure these effects and ultimately improve the quality and cost effectiveness of patient care.
Aspect’s premier product — Bispectral Index™ (BIS™) technology —became the first clinically proven and commercially available direct measure of the effects of anesthetics and sedatives on the brain. At present an estimated 20 million patients undergo surgery with general anesthesia or deep sedation each year in the United States, and an additional 30 million in Europe and Japan. BIS technology allows medical professionals to reliably assess level of consciousness and customize the precise amount of drug required by each patient, resulting in better overall patient care and fewer undesirable events. BIS technology has been proven to reduce the risk of awareness with recall during surgery, facilitate faster wake-ups with less recovery time and reduce anesthetic use.
The company's core BIS technology is supported by approximately 3,300 published studies undertaken to assess its efficacy and utility. BIS technology also has a proven track record in practical application. It has been used to assess approximately 34 million patients and is utilized in the operating room (OR), intensive care unit (ICU), and a range of other settings where sedation is given. Approximately 80 percent of the best hospitals with operating rooms in the U.S (U.S. News and World Report) and 74 percent of all domestic operating rooms use BIS technology. In the last twelve months BIS technology was used in approximately 19 percent of all U.S. surgical procedures requiring general anesthesia or deep sedation. In addition, BIS technology is available in more than 160 countries for medical professionals who are committed to using advanced technology to explore new and meaningful ways to improve patient care. Aspect Medical Systems has OEM agreements with nine leading manufacturers of patient monitoring systems.
BIS technology is incorporated into all of Aspect's products, which are granted the CE mark and are distributed in the U.S. through both direct field representatives and a regional distributor network. The international division, headquartered in De Meern, The Netherlands, is responsible for sales, distribution and clinical support outside the U.S.
Aspect's core products include:
* BIS Sensors, comprised of a one-piece, disposable strip placed on the patient’s forehead to acquire the EEG signals needed for the BIS Index (adult , pediatric and bilateral sensors are available)
* The BIS VISTA™ Monitoring System
* The BIS VISTA Bilateral Monitoring System
* The BIS VIEW™ Monitoring System
* The A-2000™ BIS Monitoring System
* The BISx Module and BIS Module, designed to allow easy integration of BIS technology into other patient monitoring systems
* The LiDCOrapid Hemodynamic Monitor
Aspect Medical Systems is committed to enhancing the quality of patient care through groundbreaking technology, education and training. To assist healthcare professionals across the globe in incorporating BIS into routine practice, Aspect employs a full-time medical director and a host of trained field representatives who provide education and training on a regular basis. All Aspect employees share a deep commitment to the success of the company and its mission. Moreover, the Company is guided by a management team skilled in many different facets of the healthcare and medical device industry.
* Nassib G. Chamoun, President and Chief Executive Officer
* J. Breckenridge Eagle, Founding Chairman of the Board of Directors
* J. Neal Armstrong, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary
* John Coolidge, Vice President of Manufacturing Operations
* Marc Davidson, Vice President of Engineering
* Philip H. Devlin, Vice President of Emerging Technologies and General Manager of Aspect Neuroscience
* William Floyd, Executive Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Marketing
* Scott D. Kelley, M.D., Vice President of Medical Affairs
* Paul J. Manberg, Ph.D., Vice President of Clinical, Regulatory and Quality Assurance
* Margery Ahearn, Vice President of Human Resources
Aspect continues to enhance and refine its product offerings and explore new capabilities for BIS technology to better meet the needs of patients and the healthcare teams who care for them. To that end, the Company continues to conduct research to examine new applications and opportunities for BIS monitoring in the OR, ICU and other clinical environments. Additionally, Aspect is investigating how extensions of BIS technology may bring greater understanding to the detection and diagnosis of diseases of the brain such as Alzheimer's disease and depression.