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Aragon Pharmaceuticals
Aragon Pharmaceuticals Aragon Pharmaceuticals

美国Aragon Pharmaceuticals 
Aragon制药公司(Aragon Pharmaceuticals)是一家位于圣地亚哥的生物制药公司。创始人Charles Sawyers是加州大学洛杉矶分校的教授,也是Memorial Sloan Kettering癌症中心的调查员。该公司最近的发现表明,通过一种新的核接受体目标药物,激素抵抗性癌症可以被治愈,这项研究打开了新反内分泌疗法的大门。这种疗法有别于现在的临床研究用的机械疗法,会产生一种的药物,有助于治疗。

  Aragon科学咨询委员会(Scientific Advisory Board)的联合主席,里克 克劳斯诺(Rick Klausne)指出,30%的癌症起因于激素反应组织,而且激素治疗一直是癌症治疗的基础。然而大多数肿瘤已经或多或少的开始对激素产生了抵抗。


  The Column Group的合伙人Peter Svennilson 表示,Aragon背后的人才给Aragon提供了无限的潜力,这种新的治疗癌症的方法吸引了我们投资的兴趣。我们期待着与Aragon合作并实现他们的理想,以有效地治疗激素难溶性癌症。

Aragon Pharmaceuticals is a privately held small-molecule drug discovery company identifying breakthrough medicines for the treatment of hormonally driven cancers. These cancers are traditionally treated with anti-hormonal therapies but often become resistant, and follow-on therapies are largely ineffective. The company plans to initiate a clinical trial with its lead compound, ARN-509, in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer in mid-2010. Aragon has built a research and development team with deep expertise in nuclear receptor biology, medicinal chemistry and drug discovery to identify and develop selective androgen receptor degraders for prostate cancer and selective estrogen receptor degraders for estrogen sensitive breast cancer.

