美国艾尔建 Allergan
Allergan公司从2002年7月1日起成为专业的药品公司,在中国更名为爱力根公司,主要从事眼科药物,神经科药物以及其他领域的药物研发。其总部位于美国加州的欧文市, 产品行销超过100个国家。 1948年,Allergan公司从洛杉矶一间小药房发展成立起来, 1970年扩展为全球性公司。 Allergan公司从成立之日起,凭借其卓越的技术和创新的精神, 不断加大对科学研究的投入, 在美国总部和法国、英国、意大利和日本都设有研究中心,共有科研人员780名,其中超过130名具有博士或博士后学位,在R&D(研究及开发)方面投入的巨额资金超过了全部销售额的12%以上,从而不断推出创新性的优质药品。 公司的口号是 Eye Care we care (细心呵护您的双眼)。公司的宗旨是取之“取之于社会,回报予社会” 主要产品:抗青光眼药:阿法根,贝他根;抗菌素:艾若;类固醇类抗炎药:百力特,氟米龙;非甾体类抗炎药:安贺拉;人工泪液:潇莱威,瑞新;复合抗菌抗炎类:帕利百;抗充血类:欧斯啉
Allergan is a global, technology-driven multi-specialty health care company pursuing therapeutic advances to help patients live life to their fullest potential. In making this commitment, we work to develop an unparalleled level of insight into patients' wants and needs — and into the priorities and concerns of the medical specialists who treat them. To this end, we employ more than 50 percent of our work force in either research and development (R&D) or sales, ensuring our efforts are focused on innovation and our customers.
Allergan's flagship franchises in eye care, neurosciences, medical dermatology and urologics are structured under the company's pharmaceutical business portfolio, Allergan Pharmaceuticals. This portfolio offers specialty physicians and their patients a wide range of treatments to help preserve and protect sight, reduce physical disability and enhance quality of life.
With the acquisition of Inamed Corporation in 2006, Allergan added breast aesthetics and dermal fillers to its business portfolio to create a world-leading medical aesthetics franchise. The acquisition also gained Allergan a leading product portfolio in obesity intervention that offers minimally invasive devices to help patients achieve sustained weight loss and reduce health risks associated with obesity. All of these products are now represented within the Allergan Medical corporate division.
With specialty product lines focused on high-growth markets, Allergan represents a new multi-specialty health care model for the future, where diversification and focus live together to offer physicians and patients best-in-class treatments and a robust pipeline for continuous innovation. Bolstered by an integrated R&D organization and global infrastructure, characteristics of some of the industry's largest pharmaceutical companies, Allergan also maintains a lean and efficient operation with solid growth prospects, like many smaller and more specialized organizations in the health care field. Allergan is large enough to command sufficient resources to address significant patient needs yet small enough for nimble execution. As we look to the future, we will continue to follow our R&D technologies into additional specialty areas and build a leadership presence of relevance to the doctors and patients we serve.