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ArthroCare ArthroCare

美国ArthroCare Corporation
ArthroCare® 公司成立于1993年,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州。公司凭借其独有的国际专利技术------Coblation® 低温等离子体消融技术成功进入国际医疗器械市场,并在纽约证交所NASDAQ 高科技板块上市。目前,ArthroCare®公司采用Coblation®技术已开发了一系列手术微创器械,包括关节镜外科,脊柱外科,耳鼻咽喉科,泌尿外科,妇产科,神经外科以及普通外科。
ArthroCare’s mission is to design surgical instruments that will improve patient outcomes by using our internationally patented Coblation® technology. This technology precisely dissolves target tissue and limits damage to surrounding healthy tissue. Coblation significantly improves many existing surgical procedures and enables new minimally invasive procedures.

We have created a multi-business medical device company around this platform technology — developing, manufacturing and marketing products for a variety of soft tissue surgical applications. ArthroCare is leveraging Coblation technology to capitalize on a multi-billion dollar market opportunity across several surgical specialties, including arthroscopy; spine and neurology; ear, nose and throat; cosmetic; urology; gynecology; and laparoscopy/general surgery.

ArthroCare was established in 1993 to develop new medical devices. However, we quickly expanded our Coblation® tool set across a variety of soft tissue applications.

Our first success was in the field of arthroscopy, and we have continued to commercialize Coblation-based products and acquire complimentary technology in a wide range of other markets.
