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Aculight Aculight


“这项交易与洛克希德马丁公司通过收购来获取核心产品和创新能力,进而扩张市场占有率的战略规划是一致的”,洛克希德马丁电子系统事业部副经理Chris Kubasik表示,“Aculight在方案策划、激光雷达、大功率定向能武器方面的专长可以让洛克希德马丁公司的客户在某些领域,如:制导武器、机载自我保护系统、先进传感系统等方面受益。”该公司没有透露交易的具体条款。

“Aculight专注于在为我们的客户提供高质量、高效益、高创新的激光解决方案方面扮演领导者的角色”, Aculight的首席执行官Don Rich表示,“变成洛克希德马丁公司的一部分会使我们获得额外的高度和资源去实现我们的目标。


Founded in 1993, Lockheed Martin Aculight is focused on being the leader in providing quality, innovative and cost-effective laser system solutions for our customers’ needs in national defense, aerospace and medical applications.

Lockheed Martin Aculight is an ideal partner for laser system development. We offer off-the-shelf, developmental, and custom laser solutions as well as contract manufacturing services. We understand your laser needs and supply solutions tailored to your design requirements regardless of your operating environment or qualification requirements. We provide you with value at every level, from expert advice and pioneering research to solid prototyping, flexible manufacturing, and customer service.

Lockheed Martin Aculight’s corporate headquarters is located in Bothell, Washington, where we operate in a 47,000-square foot facility dedicated to state-of-the-art laser research, development and manufacturing.
