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Alpha Plan
Alpha Plan Alpha Plan

德国Alpha Plan
阿尔法普兰是医疗耗材(例如: 透析器,微型生物反应器等等)模块化生产系统以及 中空纤维末端水过滤器的技术专家和制造商。
Alpha Plan为医药及药用产品生产方面,尤其是透析分离和医学过滤方面,提供模块式生产系统工艺。主要工艺有:
- 透析器/血液过滤器生产
- 血液系统生产
- 透析器及浓缩液生产
- 输液剂生产
- 碳酸氢盐存储器生产
- 输液器组装以及客户化生产过程。
Alpha Plan专门致力于工艺和生产的模块系统交钥匙工程,并与我们多年在设计和组装方面的经验相结合,保证了最新工艺发展水平上的高质量。
我们公司提供的Alpha Plan模块系统兼容性强,国际上富有盛誉。客户可以自己选择自动化程度和需要的生产量。在必要的情况下,Alpha Plan还能提供系统升级。升级的部分可适当安装在已有的设备上或者与“交钥匙工程”相结合。



公司历史可以追溯到两个源头。一个源头是公司的总裁鲁道夫.吕宁 (Rudolph Lüning) 先生。他来自德国西部联邦州,为公司贡献了大量有关医疗设备方面的专有技术。


公司所在地 德国 拉德堡

另一个源头可以追溯到从前一个称为 VEB Keradenta Radeberg 的公司,也就是今天阿尔法普兰有限公司所在地。所以阿尔法普兰融合了来自这两个源头的基本经验。


作为一家德国工程公司,阿尔法普兰完全专注于医疗耗材和中空纤维末端过滤器 (POU filter) 制造领域的交钥匙模块化系统技术和制造:包括所有类型的透析器和过滤器。阿尔法普兰的专业化结合其团队在设计和装配领域的多年经验,保证了基于最新科技水平上的高质量。


阿尔法普兰已经向32个国家出口技术和设备,我们的客户从中受益。按照ISO和CE规定进行生产监督和控制,符合国际标准。 阿尔法普兰的理念是从单一来源为客户提供所有服务, 根据每一位客户的特殊要求量身定制解决方案。


阿 尔法普兰是一家高度以实践为导向的公司。每一项目开始前咨询阶段,经常在签订合同之前,它就开始了与用户的合作。以此为基础,展开与用户紧密融合的产品开 发阶段。反过来它构成技术发展的坚实基础,带动产品进入生产技术领域。随着系统中不同模块的设计开始了实际的机械工程阶段。阿尔法普兰的工程师团队与生产 和装配车间配合紧密。最终在交钥匙项目移交阶段,来自阿尔法普兰的服务工程师将留在客户现场直到生产稳定运转。我们特别关注客户对我们系统的操作熟练程 度。我们在拉德堡阿尔法普兰公司对未来的使用者进行专业培训,并且专门为他们准备了公司客房。





 The town of Radeberg in the wonderful surrounding of Dresden is well-known for the manufacture of top-quality products, far beyond its boundaries. Alpha Plan, a medium-sized Company with well trained engineers and employees, has been operating here since 1993.

The Company has two roots. On one hand, that of its managing director Rudolph Lüning, who comes from the western federal states and has contributed an enormous amount of know-how concerning medical equipment.
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Corporate building
Radeberg, Germany

On the other hand, our company can be traced to the former enterprise called VEB Keradenta Radeberg, on the premises of which ALPHA PLAN is still located. As a result, fundamental experience has been incorporated in ALPHA PLAN from both sides.

ALPHA PLAN sees itself as an engineering company. The firm has specialised entirely in the technology and manufacture of turnkey modular systems for the manufacture of disposable medical items and hollow fibre-based, point-of-use filters: dialysers and filters of all kinds. This specialisation, in conjunction with many years of experience of the ALPHA PLAN team in design and assembly, assures high-level quality based on state-of-the-art technology. ALPHA PLAN customers throughout the world benefit from it. ALPHA PLAN exports to 32 countries. Production is monitored and controlled in compliance with international Standards, in accordance with ISO and CE specifications. It is the philosophy of ALPHA PLAN to render all Services from a single source. Solutions are tailored to the requirements of each individual customer.

ALPHA PLAN is a highly practice-oriented company and prior to commencement of each project it collaborates with customers in a consulting phase, often before any contract is signed. With that basis, this is followed by the product development phase, into which the customer is integrated. That in turn constitutes the basis for technological developments carrying the product forward into production technology. Then the actual mechanical engineering phase begins with the design of the various modules in the system. The ALPHA PLAN team of engineers is closely linked to the workshop and assembly. Finally, on handing over the turnkey project the Service engineers from ALPHA PLAN remain on the spot until production at the customer's site is running under stable conditions. Special attention is also attached to customer familiarisation with operation of the systems. Future users are trained at ALPHA PLAN in Radeberg, with accommodation at the company's guesthouse, which has been fitted out specially.

With the philosophy of "Small is beautiful" ALPHA PLAN has evolved to become the absolute world leader in its special sector. Our distribution business is structured in such a way that the Company has representatives all over the world.

The fact that this chosen philosophy is the correct one is now being manifested after 12 years of continuous successful growth: the partially historic fabric of the buildings is being modernised and company premises are currently being extended with new buildings. The ALPHA PLAN company is not only an important employer in the region. Its high-tech products are making the town famous all over the world.
