Yes Biotech Laboratories Ltd. ( 加拿大逸仕生物技术研究有限公司) 创建于1989年, 位于加拿大多伦多近郊的著名高科技城市密西沙加市。Anogen是加拿大逸士生物技术研究有限公司在国际上的市场经销部门。
十八余年来,Anogen-Yes Biotech Laboratories Ltd.研发和生产各种新颖抗体及有关产品,应用广泛的技术平台设计和开发各种单克隆抗体、多克隆抗体、基因工程/人源化抗体、免疫检验用配对抗体、免疫球蛋白、活性多肽、酶联免疫试剂盒[ELISA]、斑点酶联免疫试剂盒[Elispots]和基因重组蛋白质等等。 这些 产品主要用于生命科学研究和各种疾病的诊断和防治,包括炎症和自身免疫性疾病、心血管病和癌症等。
Anogen-Yes Biotech Laboratories Ltd.是北美地区最早获得ISO 9001和ISO 13485 (Medical Devices) 证书的主要生物技术专业公司之一。 Anogen-Yes Biotech Laboratories Ltd.的数百种单克隆抗体、多克隆抗体、基因工程/人源化抗体, 以及数十种酶联免疫试剂盒和斑点酶联免疫试剂盒等其它产品都是在ISO 13485 嚴格質量控制标准下进行研制和生产, 并以公认的优质产品行销全世界。 Anogen-Yes Biotech Laboratories Ltd. 是许多著名医学研究中心、制药公司、抗体和生物公司以及國際临床试验中心的供应商。
Anogen-Yes Biotech Laboratories Ltd. 热诚欢迎新顾客,亦欢迎与有关同行进行技术交流,参观考察、洽谈知识产权转让及有关战略联盟和伙伴关系,以共同开发新产品,为生命科学发展作出贡献。
Anogen is the trade name of Yes Biotech Laboratories Ltd., a Canadian-based biopharmaceutical company located near Toronto that has been producing antibody products for research applications for nearly twenty years. Our broad technology platform enables us to design and develop a variety of products including monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies, immunoassay/ELISA kits, matched antibody pairs, immunoglobulins, hybridomas, bioactive peptides, ELISpots and recombinant proteins.
Our very popular monoclonal antibodies and ELISA kits, along with our polyclonal antibodies, matched antibody pairs, immunoglobulins, and all other antibody products manufactured by Anogen endure stringent quality testing that is reflected in their performance, reproducibility, efficiency and efficacy. Anogen distributes its antibody products worldwide and is a recognized quality supplier to many large antibody syndicates and suppliers.
We are committed to developing and commercializing antibody-related therapeutics and diagnostics to combat various diseases including inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular diseases and cancer.