英国Applied Nanodetectors(AND)
英国Applied Nanodetectors(AND)试制出通过吹气即可检测各种疾病的手机,并在“国际纳米技术综合展(nano tech 2009)”上进行了展出。手机由芬兰诺基亚制造。AND希望与日本通信运营商共同开展业务。该手机配备了AND开发的集成传感器的芯片,该传感器可检测二氧化碳(CO2)、氮氧化物(NOx)及氨气(NH3)等各种气体。该芯片从呼吸的成分中,检测出各种气体的成分,然后按强度制成矩阵图。通过将其结果与各种疾病的特征相对照,便可检测疾病等。对照时就像“对照指纹一样”(AND执行董事Victor Higgs)。该公司表示,该手机可以检测哮喘、糖尿病、肺癌、在欧洲被称为“Gastro”的食物中毒、口臭程度及呼气中的酒精浓度等。虽然市面上已经销售检测口臭程度的终端,但利用1枚芯片能够检测如此之多的项目,并将其安装在手机上,在全球尚属首例。手机检测出以上疾病及异常等情况之后,可自动向机主或经常就诊的医生等发送信息,从而尽快发现病情。不过,在欧洲上市该手机的时间尚未确定。“在欧洲,手机厂商势力较强,因此我们事先与诺基亚进行了交涉。而日本的通信运营商强势,所以我们希望与其共同开展业务。如果在日本达到实用水平,扩展到整个亚洲就只是时间的问题了”(Higgs)。
Applied Nanodetectors is designing and developing innovative sensor solutions for the environmental, healthcare and medical worldwide
markets. We will identify attractive business opportunities and develop new sensor based solutions to lead in these chosen markets. We are currently developing a low cost sensor array technology for wearable and portable devices. These sensors have high sensitivity, small size and low power consumption. They offer significant performance advantages for real time monitoring applications. We will leverage our nanotechnology sensor platform by collaborating with industry leaders to create value added products in their prospective markets. We will inspire our partners to develop new innovative solutions that meet their customer needs. ...find out more
Nanotechnology generally is defined as the creation and use of materials, devices and systems through the manipulation of matter at scales of less than 100 nanometres or 0.0000001 of a meter (i.e., about the size of three atoms). At this scale, the properties that characterize larger systems do not necessarily apply.
Nanostructured metals are generally harder than macroscale metals, nanoceramics are softer, etc. Nanoscale materials light absorption properties also differ from macroscale materials, e.g., some materials become transparent if the particles are small enough. Since many of the properties that sensors are supposed to measure are formed on the molecular or atomic level, nanotechnology has obvious sensing applications. Sensors constructed at the molecular scale would be extremely sensitive, selective, and responsive and thus, the impact of nanotechnology on sensors potentially is huge.
The technology we are proposing can be readily integrated into standard electronics circuits. The reduction in sensor size can result in lower cost of materials, lower power consumption and reduced weight which are key drivers for these sensors in the marketplace. These types of sensors with reduced power consumptions are ideally suited for wireless communication devices to facilitate monitoring and control. Such low powered devices are also suitable for battery operated wearable sensors. This enables the technology to be developed initially from a simple portable device to a miniaturised version which could be incorporated in to a mobile phone or even a portable digital assistant (PDA).
Nanosensors manufactured at the molecular and nanoscale and are going to be very sensitive, selective, responsive. Technological improvements in microelectronic technologies, surface science, and signal processing have contributed enormously to the evolution of sensors. Unlike the bulky and expensive traditional sensors, the new miniscule nanosensors can help lower materials cost, weight, and power consumption in manufacturing processes. Nanofabricated sensors can be mounted on a wireless package, which eliminate wiring and cabling costs. Integration of multiple sensing technologies into a single smart chip will greatly drive down manufacturing costs. The ability to build objects with molecular precision is will revolutionize manufacturing, allowing great improvements in material properties and device performance.