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BiOptic BiOptic

BiOptic Inc. 是一家集开发、制造和销售为一体的生物技术设备公司,其主要产品为用于科研,临床和工业市场的DNA 片段分析系统。

BiOptic公司的Qsep100系统,相比较复杂的手工实验室程序,可以对DNA片段进行全自动的快速、精密分析。Qsep100是一款易于使用的分析系统,它把许多复杂和耗时的实验步骤整合起来,包括样品制备和检测,用含有其专利技术的pen-shape gel-cartridges实现了对复杂的生物样品进行分析。

BiOptic 公司的Qsep100 荧光DNA-CE 系统是基于微毛细管电泳技术,对PCR 后的DNA 片段进行分离和检测。该系统包含检测模块,分析模块,样品进样器和可替换的Pen-shape 卡夹。新开发的试剂盒和直观的软件设计,让用户操作简便,自动监测耗材使用情况,对系统运行状况进行全面的跟踪管理。

BiOptic. Inc, is a Biotechnology Instrument company that develops, manufactures, and markets fully-integrated systems and tests for Fluorescence Immunoassay analysis in the research, clinical and industrial markets. The Company's systems enable rapid, sophisticated Antibody-Antigen interaction testing by automating otherwise complex manual laboratory procedures. BiOptic's easy-to-use systems integrate a number of complicated and time-intensive steps, including sample preparation and detection, which enable the analysis of complex biological samples in its proprietary pen-size gel-cartridges. Through its strong protein chemistry capabilities, the Company is focusing on those applications in the research, pharmaceutical, clinical market; food, agricultural, and environmental testing.

Our Focus
BiOptic through ongoing product innovation strives to make our customers successful for their experiments by driving down cost per sample run.
