英国马尔文仪器有限公司成立于 1963 年,公司前身是英国国防工业实验室。 1970 年制造出世界第一台商用激光粒度分析仪并成立公司,随后生产出世界上第一台激光 PCS 纳米粒度及 Zeta 电位分析仪,第一台超声粒度分析仪,成为举世公认的激光粒度分析技术的先锋及行业标准。
马尔文公司十分注重技术创新与开发,并不断进取。因此,获得如下奖项 :
1977 年 英国女王技术贡献奖
1977 年 MacRobert 杰出技术创新奖
1988 年 英国女王技术贡献奖及出口奖
2003 年 Zetasizer Nano 系列高灵敏、高分辨
纳米粒度及 Zeta 电位分析仪获得IBO
2006 年 英国女王国际贸易企业奖
目前,马尔文公司在全球有多个分公司,用户遍及世界 86 个国家和地区,销售量占世界第一,中国第一,并已获得 ISO9001 标准认证、欧洲 EMC 标准认证、 GMP 标准认证,其激光衍射法粒度分析仪可提供美国 FDA 认可的的 QSpec 认证报告,是唯一通过所有认证的粒度仪。
马尔文全心致力于激光粒度仪的完美及提高,不断推出新产品。其 Mastersizer 系列 (MS Micro, MS 2000, MS 2000 E), Zetasizer 系列,及其 2003 年 5 月面市的 Zetasizer Nano ZS 高性能纳米粒度和 Zeta 电位分析仪,集中体现了当今科技发展的最新成果,一问世立即得到科技界的高度评价和用户的广泛欢迎,被认为代表了 21 世纪的发展趋势和方向。
马尔文公司 ( 中国 ) 概况
作为思百吉集团成员 , 马尔文仪器 ( 中国 ) 共有 5 个办事处 ,总部位于上海漕河泾开发区田州路 99 号 . 其他办事处包括北京、广州、成都和西安。 作为亚太区技术中心的马尔文仪器上海办事处内建有 200 多平方米的实验室, 完善的实验室设备可以提供客户测试样品服务,及其售后培训的配套服务与优良的技术支持。
Malvern Instruments recognizes and supports industry’s continuing drive to optimize the products it produces and the processes it employs. The company provides a range of particle analysis and rheological instrumentation that delivers inter-related measurements reflecting the complexities of particulates and disperse systems, nanomaterials and macromolecules. Malvern has a growing portfolio of patented technologies, and the company’s in-depth industry applications knowledge enables customers to achieve their competitive advantage.
Analytical instrumentation from Malvern are used in the characterization of a wide variety of materials, from industrial bulk powders to the latest nanomaterials and delicate macromolecules. The broad portfolio of innovative technologies is combined with intelligent, user-friendly software. These systems deliver industrially relevant data enabling our customers to make the connection between micro (such as particle size) and macro (bulk) material properties (rheology) and chemical composition (chemical imaging).
Particle size distribution, particle shape information, zeta potential, molecular weight, chemical composition, and bulk materials properties can all be determined with instrumentation from the Malvern range. The company’s laboratory, at-line, on-line and in-line solutions are proven in sectors as diverse as cement production and pharmaceutical drug discovery. They provide essential information that supports the understanding, improvement and optimization of many industrial processes. Extensive industry experience, understanding and in-depth analytical expertise enables Malvern to deliver exceptional support to all customers throughout the world.
Headquartered in Malvern, UK, Malvern Instruments has subsidiary organizations in all major European markets, North America, China, Korea and Japan, a joint venture in India, a global distributor network and applications laboratories around the world. An area of significant innovation and investment, and one of its most significant resources, is Malvern‘s dynamic and comprehensive website. This is used to deliver information, interactive education, training and support worldwide, and it provides free access to a wealth of product, technical and applications information.