上海近岸科技有限公司(原欣百诺生物)成立于2004年,是国内首家专门从事重组蛋白质制备工艺开发及生产的高科技企业。novoprotein 隶属于上海近岸科技有限公司,提供重组蛋白制备相关的全套技术服务,包括:基因合成、表达载体构建、发酵、纯化、质量检测、活性检测及后期加工处理;我们也生产高品质细胞因子、生物活性酶等重组蛋白质相关的试剂产品。
novoprotein 目前成熟的表达体系包括大肠杆菌、酵母、昆虫细胞和哺乳动物细胞表达系统,每种表达系统都具有克级以上的制备能力。novoprotein 建立了严格的产品质控体系及一整套完善的客户服务流程、保密制度以确保为客户提供优质的产品及一流的服务。
基于公司出色的重组蛋白质制备平台,novoprotein 研发生产的细胞因子、酶试剂产品凭借其优良的品质、高性价比赢得了海外细胞因子及生物试剂销售商的认可,目前我们已与海外十几家细胞因子与生物试剂销售企业建立了合作关系。
SinoBio Biotech (Shanghai) was established in 2004 as an industrial biotechnology initiative from Fudan University. SinoBio understands that protein purification projects are labor intensive, time consuming and riddled with unpredictable outcomes. SinoBio addresses this need for efficient purification services by assembling a team of seasoned biochemists and implementing a streamlined workflow using proprietary chromatographic technologies. The result is SinoBio's highly efficient and scalable pipeline process of recombinant protein purification and production.
Track Record
In four years of commercial operation with 20 scientists, SinoBio has purified nearly 500 recombinant proteins, mg to gram scale, becoming the foremost provider of recombinant protein services to Eastern Asia. SinoBio is also a preferred bulk supplier of 50 enzymes and cytokines to US and European biotechnology reagent vendors. Five drug-related proteins are currently in preclinical trials and one protein is the basis of an IND filing. Scientists in SinoBio Biotech have taken part in 9 major protein drug process development projects, representing one third of biologics in the China protein drug market.