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Biologix Biologix

美国巴罗克科技开发有限公司(Biologix Research Co.,LLC.)耗材
“瑞华塑业(常州)有限公司(Biologix Plastics(ChangZhou)Co.,Ltd.)是巴罗克集团有限公司(Biologix Group Limited)旗下的子公司。巴罗克集团于2000年在美国堪萨斯洲成立,致力于设计、研发、生产高品质的生物医学实验室耗材,产品广泛应用于医药开发、环境监测、教育科研、生命科学等领域。瑞华塑业(常州)有限公司在“巴罗克”系统管理下,专业生产、销售离心管、PCR管、吸管、吸头、冷冻盒、果蝇管/瓶、培养皿、接种环/针、细胞铲/刮等百余种产品, 并通过了美国FDA注册及德国TUV ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证。公司拥有符合GMP要求的10万级净化车间,自动化的机械设备、雄厚的技术力量、完善的检测手段、先进的管理理念和一支职业化的精英队伍。目前

Biologix Research Company is a U.S. Company founded in the year 2000 by Dr. Winston Lee. We specialize in the manufacturing and supplying of plastic laboratory consumables. 

We are determined to deliver superior products, unbeatable prices, and excellent service to the scientific research community.

Biologix is headquartered in the United States and all of our production facilities are located in Mainland China. This strategic arrangement has made it possible for Biologix to utilize the latest technological breakthroughs to offer the life science communities less expensive and more efficient supplies for scientific research.
Biologix serves thousands of laboratories across the United States and have served distributors in countries all around the world. We are determined to provide our customers just what they are looking for by engaging in market research, listening to our customer feedback, and participating in continuous product development.
