美国Biofire Diagnostics
美国Idaho公司是致力于研发生命科学领域中用于微生物鉴定和核酸分析的快速高效的分析仪器的高科技公司,产品包括DNA扩增的RapidCycler PCR,实时荧光定量PCR LightScanner 32,高分辨率熔解曲线分析LightScanner96/384及HR-1,突变检测和基因分型等。Idaho公司在Mutation Discovery和Genotyping科研领域中具有世界顶尖科技的产品。此外,在水及食品安全检测领域具有领先的产品可科技。
Light Scanner 高分辨溶解曲线基因突变/基因分型检测系统是美国Idaho公司经过7年的潜心研发而商品化的世界上第一台专门用于快速基因突变扫描和基因分型的高通量检测系统,5分钟即可完成96/384孔板样品突变检测,尤其用于测序前的大规模突变筛查及基因分型工作,使测序的工作量降低为原来的1%。此外LightScanner还可以检测到体细胞样品中比例低至0.1%的突变,特别适用于Cancer及流行病学大规模筛查。
BioFire Diagnostics, Inc. is a privately held clinical diagnostics company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Founded in 1990, the Company currently holds over 70 patents related to polymerase chain reaction (PCR), including rapid PCR cycling. The Company has used its extensive patent portfolio to successfully market nearly 200 products to the clinical, research and military markets.
Our complement of products includes the R.A.P.I.D.®, R.A.P.I.D. LT, and RAZOR® EX Systems and the LightScanner®, LightScanner 32 and FilmArray® Instruments along with an expanding line of freeze-dried reagents and DNA/RNA purification and test kits. Now in our twenty-second year, we are making great strides to ensure that our products remain efficient and user-friendly.
The Company also collaborates with various U.S. governmental agencies including the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense. Among others, researchers, medical technicians, law enforcement officers, and soldiers in the field use company devices to detect or study disease-causing organisms.