英国朗道Randox Laboratories
Randox Laboratories Ltd.(以下简称RANDOX公司)于1982年4月在英国北爱尔兰成立,是世界著名的临床检验试剂、质控血清和检验仪器的制造商。目前,在全球有23个分公司和办事机构。鉴于RANDOX公司优良的产品质量和不断上升的世界市场占有率,公司于1990年、1993年、1997年、 2001年四次荣膺“英国女王出口成就奖",并于1990年荣获ISO9002质量论证。 RANDOX公司十分重视产品的研发,不断开发新产品,近来又推出了世界上第一台全自动生物芯片分析仪-EVIDENCETM和半自动生物芯片分析仪-INVESTIGATORTM。以及集众多优点于一身的生化分析仪-RX DAYTONA。
朗道国际质评计划(RANDOX INTERNATIONAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT SCHEME)简称RIQAS,是RANDOX公司发起的一项全球性的室间质评计划,是世界上第一个获得ISO9002认证的室间质量管理计划。RIQAS采用科学的计算方法和评估体系,全球有近5,000个实验室参加,享有
Randox Laboratories Limited注册于北爱尔兰, 公司编号:N.I. 15738. VAT, 注册号GB 353 030 400。 我公司产品可根据国家不同有所变化, 请联系Randox当地代表处获取产品信息。
Randox joins Action Cancer in the fight against Colorectal Cancer
Randox has launched a partnership with Northern Ireland's leading local cancer charity, Action Cancer, to raise public awareness of the symptoms of colorectal cancer (also called bowel cancer).
Colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer, however it is also one of the most curable if treated at an early stage. Screening can detect colorectal cancer before symptoms occur.
Randox Laboratories Ltd.
Randox is a privately owned diagnostic reagent and equipment manufacturer. Founded in 1982 by Dr Peter FitzGerald, Randox is a multimillion pound business employing over 600 people, including 185 research scientists. Since its inception in 1982, Randox have developed some of the most exciting and revolutionary technology in the field of medical diagnostics.
Randox have sales and distribution agreements in 130 countries and international offices with representation in the continents of Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and South America. Our core products and services are Biochip Array Technology, clinical chemistry automation systems, external quality assurance schemes, Internet driven QA systems, quality control materials, antibodies, recombinant proteins, clinical reagents and environmental diagnostics.
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Biochip Protein Assays
DNA Assays
Veterinary Testing
Clinical Chemistry
Lipid Profile
Life Sciences
General Health
Food and Drink Testing