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日立 日立

1910年11月,由小平浪平创办的日立,最初是从作为久原矿业所日立矿山附属的修理公司开始创业的。1920年2月,成立株式会社日立制作所。目前,日立集团在全世界拥有约一千多家公司,从重电到信息系统、家电·AV器械、零部件以至合成材料,日立集团经营的业务涵盖了极其广泛的领域,是世界范围内罕见的、独具特色的企业集团。《财富》2005 年公布的世界 500 强排行榜中,日立集团排名为 23 位,营业收入 844 亿美元,是除丰田、NTT 以外第三家进入全球 800 俱乐部(年营业收入达到 800 亿美元)的日本公司。



  日立集团在“Inspire the Next”这一新的企业理念下,不断为新时代注入生命的活力。而且作为21世纪具有活力的企业的“提供最佳解决方案的伙伴”,日立竭诚为实现多彩而舒适的社会做出应有的贡献。

  创业近百年来,日立秉承以技术贡献社会的企业精神,不断开拓创新,发展成为业务遍及能源、信息通讯、生命科学等广泛领域的高科技企业。面向新世纪,日立努力开创新的市场,新的事业,致力于从"制造型"向H解题型"企业的转换。放眼未来,日立宣布了全新的inspire the Next战略,即通过整合在各领域的技术和经验,成为客户的最佳解决方案合作伙伴。


为实现舒适方便的信息社会,融合网络通讯、多媒体、社会基础设施 等技术的舒适信息解决方案。产品及服务涉及家庭娱乐、个人信息产品、远程教育、电子政府、网络存储、交通管理系统等。
  曰立正积极将这些先进的解题服务和产品推广到全世界,为个人、企业和社 会的发展贡献力量。

日本日立高新技术Hitachi High-Technologies      
“(株)日立高新技术”(原“日制产业(株)”)作为日立制作所的直属商社,创立于1947年。自此以来,(株)日立高新技术作为精通最先进技术的商社,精心致力于日立集团及国内外一流厂家的合作。以电子产品为中心,从科学系统到产业系统和工业原料,在日本国内和国外不断扩大自己的网络,用户遍及全球,架起一座用户与厂家的桥梁;并以其完善的服务,享誉盛名博得了各界人士的信赖。 为了提供更进一步开发新技术和适合客户需求的解决方案,日制产业(株)将(株)日立制作所的计测器业务以及半导体制造装置业务统一结合起来,在原有的商社机能上,新兼并并拥有了生产机能,建立了自开发、生产、销售、服务于一体的新公司。并将 “日制产业(株)”更名为“(株)日立高新技术”。新公司已于2001年10月1日起正式开始运作。(株)日立高新技术向世界提供优秀的尖端技术产品,例如:临床使用的全自动生化分析仪、电子显微镜、离心机等支撑研究开发领域的关键科学仪器,电视机用电子枪和半导体等电子零件以及大型通用电子计算机,个人专用计算机等信息仪器。这些产品和系统在人们日常生活的各个领域发挥着重要作用,为社会的发展和人类的繁荣做出了积极贡献。 面向二十一世纪,将是信息化和经济全球一体化的社会,中国可谓是掌握着二十一世纪世界经济发展的关键,因为当今的中国已不仅是亚洲中的中国。(株)日立高新技术将会更加抓住每个与中国合作的契机,不断扩大商务领域,带动中国的各个产业飞速发展的同时,也把中国丰富的稀有金属等各种工业原料提供给世界各国。 (株)日立高新技术将放眼未来,以高品质产品和高效的营销体制为用户提供满意、可靠的高质量服务。

Entering China in the 1960's, Hitachi is one of the first few international companies that established their local presence in China. In recent years, Hitachi has made active efforts to tap the market potential in China and introduced a spectrum of cutting edge technologies and products. With the enormous support from the Chinese government, Hitachi has achieved much progress in its operation in China.

In the 1970's, Hitachi took the lead to establish a representative office in Beijing, making itself the first Japanese manufacturer establishing presence in the Chinese capital. During this period, Hitachi introduced a host of equipment packages and sophisticated technologies to China, including thermal power equipment, steel-rolling equipment, computers for meteorological sounding, port cargo handling equipment, color TV assembly lines, etc., making great contribution to the infrastructure construction in China at that time.

In the 1980's, when the demand for TV sets came to the peak in the wake of the fast economic development in China, Hitachi made active efforts in response to China's demand for local operation and scored great achievements in its business in China through the cooperation with local partners in areas of transformer, electric motor, TV set, washing machine, and other household appliances.

In the early 1990's, Hitachi expanded its investment in China as Chinese government launched a series of preferential policies for foreign investors. At present, Hitachi has more than 100 groups companies in China, actively engaged in the fields of power equipment, electronic device, household appliances, information and telecommunication etc. It is trying to deliver high-quality products and services to the Chinese market.

After decades of efforts, Hitachi has established a stable and close relationship with China, laying a solid foundation for its future development. Hitachi cherishes very much the friendship with China. With the economic globalization and further deregulation of Chinese market, Hitachi hopes to become the best solution partner in China by delivering more brand products and services.

So far, Hitachi has been operating in many business fields. To better promote its future development, Hitachi formulated and put forward a new business strategy named 'The Most Trusted Partner in China' in October 2004, which will be embodied in the core businesses of power and industrial equipment systems, building systems, transportation systems, information and telecommunication systems, medical systems, consumer electronics, construction and resource development systems, automotive systems and materials, and components and materials for information electronics and digital consumer electronics.

In the future, all the Hitachi group companies in China will work as One Hitachi to deliver the mission of "The Most Trusted Partner in China" and extend the company's track record in the country.
